SAS announces lockout at Arlanda if pilots go on strike – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The mediation deadline in the conflict between SAS and the pilots in Norway, Sweden and Denmark is midnight, the night of 29 June. This means that there may be a strike from and including Wednesday next week. Around 900 SAS pilots from Norway, Sweden and Denmark can go on strike. Now it is threatened with lockout back. In the event of a lockout, the employer uses a similar means of pressure as a strike, by shutting employees out of work. SAS announces lockout at Arlanda The Swedish pilots’ union has announced a strike at SAS’s base at Arlanda from 29 June, if no agreement is reached. SAS has responded by notifying all members of the Swedish Pilot Association, SPF, at SAS’s base at Arlanda of a so-called mirror lockout from the same date. It shows a letter from SAS to the Mediation Institute to which news has access. SAS aircraft parked at Gardermoen. From Wednesday next week, they can be left standing. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix SAS justifies the lockout notice with the fact that the Swedish Pilot Association has terminated the collective agreement with SAS and announced a total work stoppage. They further write that SAS’s notice of lockout must be seen in light of SPF’s strong notice of strike. The purpose of the lockout is to get the other party to end its battle and limit the damage to SAS in the event of a conflict, it is further stated in the notice from SAS. The lockout at Arlanda in Sweden applies from 00.01 on 29 June. A notice of lockout must be sent out from SAS in Denmark, based on what news knows. Photo: TT News Agency / Reuters When asked if SAS will also notify lockout in Norway and Denmark, Tonje Sund, press manager at SAS, answers: – In Sweden, it is quite common for an employer to make a so-called mirror lockout, in situations where notice has been given. on resignation. There are different rules and processes in the different countries, and we will return to what is the next step in Norway and Denmark, respectively. Based on what news knows, a notice of lockout from SAS in Denmark must also have been sent out. Danger of redundancies in Norway In Norway, a conditional redundancy notice has been sent to all SAS employees. As far as news is aware, the airline warns that all of the employees in Norway may be laid off. Tonje Sund, press manager at SAS, recommends that passengers check the app and websites of SAS if a strike becomes a fact. Photo: SAS – In the event of a strike, the company will make specific assessments of any layoffs, in line with the effects a possible strike will have, writes press officer at SAS, Tonje Sund, in an e-mail to news. She adds that it is normal procedure that employees who cannot be properly employed due to a strike will be laid off as a consequence of a possible strike. If a strike becomes a reality from Wednesday 29 June, Sund recommends that customers check the status of their flight via the app or their website. Not all SAS aircraft may be affected by a strike The first possible day of a strike is fast approaching. Many people wonder what happens if it becomes a reality. It is the parent company in Scandinavia – SAS that is primarily affected by the strike. The subsidiaries SAS Connect and SAS Link are covered by another trade union. Namely the Danish trade union Flyvebranchens Personale Union, FPU. Thus, it may be that some air traffic at SAS runs as normal despite the strike. The SAS pilots believe that the company is trying to circumvent its obligations to bring back dismissed pilots after the pandemic. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Mediator in Norway goes to Stockholm The Norwegian Ombudsman Mads Ruland and mediator Richard Saue will travel to Stockholm. They must participate in mediations in the last three days before the deadline expires, it is stated from the national mediator’s office. In mediation, there is a requirement for a wage increase in line with the labor market that applies from the pilots’ associations, based on what news experiences. This also applies to working time rules. The core of the conflict The core of the conflict with the pilots is the establishment of two staffing companies. Around 560 pilots lost their jobs during the pandemic. At the same time, the subsidiaries SAS Link and SAS Connect were established. These will take over aircraft and be filled with new pilots on terms other than those of SAS employees. The SAS pilots have sued the company for labor law. They believe the company is trying to circumvent its obligations to bring the dismissed pilots back. SAS rejects this and believes the company relates to all agreements entered into. A pilot strike will jeopardize the entire airline’s future, SAS replied when the strike warning was announced last week. The mediation between the parties takes place in Stockholm. Photo: Astri Husø The four pilot associations in Norway, Sweden and Denmark negotiate together as SAS Pilot Group, SPG. The mediations started in Stockholm last Monday, after the SAS pilots on Thursday 9 June delivered a notice of termination and warned of the danger of a strike from 29 June. The pilot associations have said they intend to take out around 900 members on strike in Norway, Sweden and Denmark if the mediation does not succeed. In Norway, the Norwegian Pilots’ Association has today delivered a resignation for 254 pilots, while Parat has announced a resignation for 148 pilots. Thus, all of these can be taken out on strike from day one if no agreement is reached. Many SAS planes can be parked if there is a strike on 29 June. Photo: Astri Husø On the same day as the dismissal was delivered, Jan Levi Skogvang, the leader of the ready association SAS Norge Flygerforening, told news: – We try to achieve that the jobs we have, including the dismissed who are put on the street, are jobs that belong us. That they are not left to other staffing companies as SAS does today. SAS’s finances are under great pressure, and the company has launched a comprehensive savings plan. In addition, they will restructure the debt and raise more money from the owners in hopes of saving the airline. Earlier this week, aircraft mechanics in SAS organized under Dansk Metal announced a sympathy strike for the pilots. It will be implemented on July 5 in the event of a pilot strike.
