Sandfjæra kindergarten in Malvik is on unsafe ground – will cost 100 million to fix – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Sandfjæra kindergarten in Malvik municipality was built on a mixture of sand, stone and bark, which has now started to rot. The nursery, which cost NOK 45 million to build, stands on stilts that need the stability of the mass to stand upright. It will cost NOK 100 million to replace the mass the kindergarten stands on, which will significantly affect the municipality’s finances. Several politically approved projects, including sports facilities and an improvement of Saksvik school, will probably have to be postponed. The municipality plans to explore alternative solutions and investigate the costs better before making a decision. Municipal director in Malvik, Stig Roald Amundsen, believes that they are now paying the price for not having listened to the administration’s advice to make smarter choices earlier. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – It is of course demanding. We are a municipality that is a bit run on finances at the moment, so this came on top of everything else, says Eugen Gravningen Sørmo. Gravningen Sørmo is mayor of Malvik municipality. 10 years ago, Sandfjæra kindergarten was built for NOK 45 million. The nursery was built on bark and wood chips. But the masses have started to become unstable. The ground has started to rot. The nursery is built on stilts that go down into the mountain. – Those piles have a property such that they cannot stand alone, they have to stand in the mass which is a mixture of sand, stone and bark in order to have their stability. That’s what engineer Ingvild Bostad, who is project manager for projects and development in Malvik municipality, says. Ingvild Bostad says that the ground under the nursery is simply rotting. Photo: Morten Andersen / news – There is a process of decay that is happening. Rotten ground = the piles become unstable. It will cost 100 million to replace the mass the kindergarten stands on. More than twice what the nursery cost new. Will affect the economy – Several things we have adopted politically will probably have to be put on a waiting list and postponed, says Gravningen Sørmo. Sports facilities and an improvement of Saksvik school are some of the things that will fall on the list. – I think that what goes into health will be built and given high priority. Mayor of Malvik, Eugen Gravningen Sørmo, says that other projects must be downgraded. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Will explore alternative The proposal to spend 100 million comes from the administration in the municipality. A unanimous chairmanship believes that the various options and what they will cost must be investigated better. – I have full respect and understanding that the politicians in the chairmanship think this is a difficult decision to make, says Malvik municipal director Stig Roald Amundsen. Stig Roald Amundsen understands that the board will investigate further. Photo: Morten Andersen / news In the name of hindsight – In the name of hindsight, perhaps one should have listened to the administration in its time and allocated the money that was necessary to make the smart choices, says Amundsen. He says this is what you pay the price for now. – But I have full faith that everything was done in the best sense and adapted to the financial situation in which the choices were made. The municipal director says that Malvik is now paying the price for the decisions that were made a few years ago. At the same time, he believes that everything was done in the best sense. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Build your house on sand – I obviously think it is very sad for the children, the parents and the staff. We are trying to the best of our ability to find a solution to this, says the Malvik mayor. Even in the Bible it says that you should not build your house on sand. Why was it not realized that this would not go well? – There are probably more people wondering about that. Now we just have to look forward and find a solution. Published 10.06.2024, at 15.39
