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– There are often messages that are really shocking, and that are personally shocking, said the German biathlon star Vanessa Voigt in a podcast on ARD recently. The 26-year-old struggled to get started during the WC, with 18th place in the sprint and 15th place in the pursuit. Then the messages started ticking into the inbox. – It is not so easy to handle. When you’re disappointed and sad, you want some encouraging words. When there are mean comments that you are bad and should go home, it is not so easy, Voigt explains to news. On Thursday, Voigt will run the pairs relay for Germany. Johannes Thingnes Bø and Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold will go for Norway. Høyr ran on news Sport from 18.00. – Can take a bowl! Biathlon can often be a mental battle. The brain must be switched on and focused when entering the stand, and all other thoughts must be sorted out. It’s not always that simple when many thousands of ovens follow every single exhaust. In Nove Mesto, the stands are filled by around 40,000 people every day, but it is the fans in front of the TV screen who contribute to the most pressure and disruption. – They should try to go to the WC themselves and shoot down five flashes with a heart rate of 200. It’s not that easy, says Norway’s Marit Ishol Skogan after hearing about the harassment against Voigt. – It is incredibly bad that she experiences this. Those who do that need to toughen up and go and get a bowl, Skogan continued. NORWEGIAN PROFILE: Marit Ishol Skogan. Photo: NTB – It is sad to hear, adds Juni Arnekleiv, but the Norwegians say that they have avoided the worst news. Swedish Elvira Öberg has not, who can recognize Voigt’s statements. – It’s a shame when the fans almost turn against you. I wish I could say that I’ve been spared it myself, but it’s clear, it happens at regular intervals. Especially when I have a worse period, says the Swede, who has struggled on the WC trails. – The start of my downfall Before the season, the International Biathlon Union (IBU) shared figures from a survey: 70 percent of 169 biathletes questioned shared that they have struggled with psychological or mental problems linked to the sport. – Shocking, says Swedish Mona Brorsson to Aftonbladet about the findings in the report. The Italian star Lisa Vittozzi has previously opened up about exactly that. The enormous pressure from herself and the environment caused her to sink deeper and deeper. – That was the start of my downfall, she said. ITALIAN STAR: Lisa Vittozzi together with Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold. Photo: David W Cerny / Reuters news’s ​​expert Synnøve Solemdal says that the pressure to perform and the fight to keep a place on the team was the most challenging thing for her. – That was what I noticed the most when I gave up, how much it had weighed on me as an athlete. You are under constant pressure to perform, she says. Solemdal believes that social media can be a good thing in terms of increasing sponsorship income, but a bad thing for those who let themselves be influenced by the opinions of the keyboard warriors. – I can imagine that for that generation there is an extra arena to perform on and be reached on. Some people think it’s just fun, while for others it’s a necessary pain for their income. My hypothesis is that they would have been better off as performers without it. LUCKY LUKE: Therese Johaug tried out biathlon and hitchhiked off the guard sled – to the laughter of the biathletes. Put the phone away. Several athletes have spoken to news to say that they stay away from social media and newspaper headlines during major championships. news’s ​​biathlon expert did the same when she was active. Solemdal believes that it is not necessarily the most up-to-date people who resort to the keyboard to incite athletes. But in a sea of ​​positive comments, one negative one can stand out the most. EXPERT: Synnøve Solemdal. – The athletes are in a stressful situation mentally, but they also push themselves hard physically. The psyche is no longer at its peak for that reason. Nothing good comes of getting the comments, she believes. Voigt is smart from damage. – I have put the phone away for the last few days, she says after an encouraging fifth place in the normal distance on Tuesday. – I’m on fewer social media and read fewer things. I try to shield myself, says Öberg. The WC king surprises with gaming skills 00:57 Admits a crush on Taylor Swift’s girlfriend 01:15 Dental violence over a new house, the Olympic bronze as a slip and “buff-weaning”. 02:42 Played with by 16-year-old: – Have you eaten your brother? 01:22 Show more
