– Sad and disrespectful – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s sad and disrespectful, says Morten Kjørstad, director of the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate (SNO). Over the weekend, several cases of illegal snowmobile driving were discovered, when SNO and the police were on patrol in protected mountain areas in Setesdal. – They are protected areas, which are protected for a reason. Among other things, because of wild reindeer, says Kjørstad. It was VG who wrote about the case first. The areas are protected, partly because of wild reindeer. Photo: Statens naturoppsyn Extensive scope On Friday, the patrols came across ten people on snowmobiles driving together. All were reported. On Saturday, they discovered the other six. These evaded control. – They ran away even though the police used sirens and gave notice and made it very clear that the police and SNO were in place, says Kjørstad. He says it is unusual for them to come across such extensive illegal scootering. – But unfortunately there is a lot of illegal motoring around the country. and it is also not unusual for people to try to evade control, he concludes. The director of the State Nature Inspectorate says this is a vulnerable time of year and that many species are in poor condition Photo: Geir Mogen / Geir Mogen Can damage the game – This is just before calving time, so this type of stress can actually have a big impact, says Kjørstad. He emphasizes that game is particularly vulnerable at this time of year. – Then any form of stress is negative and in areas like this it shouldn’t happen, says Kjørstad. He says they will never get an answer as to whether the wild reindeer in the area have been injured by the snowmobiling that took place at the weekend. – There will be unnecessary stress, that is what is negative.
