Russia’s National Assembly is considering withdrawing the country from the agreement on a moratorium on nuclear tests – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The assessment will take place at the next scheduled meeting, says Vyacheslav Volodin, president of the State Duma in Moscow. That is written by Reuters. It concerns the so-called trial suspension agreement, also called the CTBT agreement. This agreement was adopted in 1996, and is an agreement that prohibits nuclear test explosions. By signing the agreement, the country approves a ban on all types of nuclear test explosions. Russian President Vladimir Putin and State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin. Here at a meeting in the Kremlin this summer. Photo: Reuters Volodin’s comments come after President Vladimir Putin on Thursday raised the possibility that Russia could resume nuclear testing and pointed out that the US Senate had not yet ratified the CTBT agreement. – Theoretically, I can withdraw the ratification, Putin said on Thursday. Putin also claimed that Russia had conducted a successful test of what was referred to as a “next generation” nuclear weapon. The president was apparently referring to the Burevestnik cruise missile, which will have a nuclear reactor on board. The rocket is believed to have a very long range and can be equipped with both conventional warheads and nuclear weapons.
