Russian man jailed for flying a drone in Norway – news Troms and Finnmark

The Russian citizen who was stopped at Storskog with drones in his luggage admits that he has flown and taken pictures with them in Norway. He had stored 4 terabytes of film and photos. In total, the man had two drones and several electronic storage devices in his luggage. In addition, he had three passports with him – two Russian and one Israeli. On Friday, the district court decided that the man must spend two weeks in custody. The man was revealed in a routine check on the border on Tuesday when he was on his way back to Russia. Says he was on holiday The police asked on Thursday that the man should be detained for two weeks. The case was heard in the Eastern Finnmark district court in Vadsø. The ruling was expected on Thursday, but did not come until Friday. The man admitted to having been in Norway as an ordinary photo-interested tourist. According to the man’s defender, Jens Bernhard Herstad, the 50-year-old has said that he was in the country on a regular holiday trip. When the police have obtained a greater overview of the man’s photographic material, they will consider expanding the charges in the case. news was present at the prison meeting in Vadsø on Thursday afternoon, where there was a ban on minutes. Photo: Jan-morten Bjørnbakk / NTB scanpix No Russian flights The sanctions against Russia mean that Russians cannot fly drones in Norway. For now, the man is only charged with having broken this sanctions law and regulation, where the section says that Russian companies or citizens are not allowed to fly in Norway. The flight ban applies to all Russian flights over the Norwegian mainland, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, in addition to the airspace over Norwegian maritime territory. This also applies to the use of drones. This is a law that came into force after Russia invaded Ukraine. Both before and after the explosions at Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the Baltic Sea, several suspicious drones have been observed at Norwegian petroleum facilities. Several facilities in Norway are on high alert following the drone activity and explosions in the Baltic Sea. The police announced on Thursday that it might be appropriate to extend the charges against the Russian man, after they had looked through the photos the man had taken. Here, it will be investigated whether it has been filmed in illegal zones, such as close to airports and military facilities.
