Russian flag painted on The little mermaid – Latest news – news

2 March 2023 at 09:11 Russian flag painted on The Little Mermaid The Little Mermaid statue is again subject to vandalism in Copenhagen. This time someone has painted a Russian flag on the stone it sits on, reports Ekstra Bladet. On Thursday morning, the newspaper gained access to photos showing that someone has painted three stripes: a white one at the top, a blue one in the middle and a red one at the bottom, similar to the Russian flag, on the stone. The pictures were taken around 7 o’clock on Thursday morning. It is far from the first time that the popular and world-famous sculpture, which is located on the harbor stretch of Langelinie in Copenhagen, has been subjected to vandalism. In 2020, both “Racist Fish” and “Free Hong Kong” were painted on the statue. Several times the statue has had its head sawed off, and she has also lost an arm. The statue was made in 1913 by Edvard Eriksen and is a representation of HC Andersen’s famous fairy tale of the same name. (NTB)
