Russian attack on the theater in Mariupol was a war crime – Latest news – news

June 30, 2022 at 03:18 Amnesty: Russian attack on theater in Mariupol was a war crime The Russian attack on a theater in Mariupol, where civilians had sought refuge, was a war crime, Amnesty International states in a report. – Until now, we have talked about an alleged war crime. Now we can clearly state that it was a war crime, committed by Russian armed forces, says Oksana Pokalchuk, who heads Amnesty’s Ukraine branch, to the news agency AFP. – These explosions were triggered by something very large: Two bombs weighing 500 kilos were dropped from a plane, she adds. She rejects Russian claims that the theater was a false flag attack staged by the city’s Ukrainian defenders. At the same time, Amnesty states in Thursday’s report that the number of people killed in the attack may have been less than first thought. It comes after Amnesty International spoke to dozens of survivors and eyewitnesses about the March 16 attack. Evidence such as photos, video and satellite images from the site has also been obtained, as well as documents, including drawings of the destroyed theater. (NTB)
