Russia with false accusations of a dirty bomb – Latest news – news

24 October 2022 at 02:28 Zelenskyi: Russia with false accusations of a dirty bomb Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi accuses Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu of arranging a “phone carousel” to Western leaders, with allegations that Ukraine is planning to detonate a so-called dirty bomb – that i.e. bomb with radioactive material – and blame Russia. – Everyone understands who is the source of everything that is dirty in this war. World leaders will understand, Zelenskyy said in his evening speech to the Ukrainian people. It was in conversation with the defense ministers of the USA, Great Britain, France and Turkey that Shoigu came up with allegations that Ukraine is planning a provocation with a “dirty bomb” in its own country. Both Ukraine and the Western countries that were presented with the allegations deny that this is the case. France, the United States and the United Kingdom issued a joint press release. – We want to make it clear that we all rejected Russia’s obviously false accusations that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb, the countries write. They also write that the use of a dirty bomb will be seen through as a Russian attack and an attempt to escalate the war. – If Russia calls and says that Ukraine is allegedly planning something, it only means one thing: Russia has already prepared it, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.
