Russia threatens to attack civilian ships in the Black Sea – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Wednesday evening, Russia said it would consider all ships sailing to Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea as possible carriers of military equipment. Russia also says that any country that has ships going to Ukrainian ports will be considered a party to the conflict on the Ukrainian side. After the grain agreement between Russia and Ukraine expired on Monday, Russia has attacked several important port cities in Ukraine. Several attacks against grain plants Several of the attacks have been aimed at grain plants. Also on the night of Thursday, Odesa was attacked. Russia did not want to renew the agreement because they believe that the Russian demands have not been met. The decision has been met with strong condemnation internationally. Ukraine is known as the world’s granary, and most of the grain goes to poor countries. The price of wheat has risen sharply in recent days. Here from a cornfield near Nikolske in Donetsk. Photo: ALEXANDER ERMOCHENKO / Reuters Sends grain prices upwards The price of wheat has risen sharply in recent days. Following the Russian statements yesterday, the price of wheat rose by 8.2 per cent on the European stock exchange. The day before, the price of wheat rose 5.4 percent, according to the BBC. In his daily speech on Thursday evening, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the attacks against the port of Odesa show that Russia is not only attacking Ukraine, but also millions of people elsewhere in the world. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his daily video speech. Photo: Ukraine’s presidential office One million tonnes of foodstuffs were stored in the ports to be exported to Africa and Asia. In one terminal, 60,000 tons of food destined for China were destroyed, according to Zelenskyj. – Everyone is affected by Russia’s terror. Everyone should be interested in holding Russia accountable, he says. At the same time, he is asking for more air defense to be able to stop more of the Russian drones and rockets. USA: Russia plans to attack ships The USA believes that Russia already has plans to attack civilian ships in the Black Sea, writes the AFP news agency. Spokesman, Adam Hodge, in the White House said on Thursday night that Russia is prepared to attack civilian ships in the Black Sea, and then blame it on Ukraine. After the grain agreement ended, Ukraine has started looking for new ways to export its grain. Workers load grain onto a ship in Izmail, Ukraine, in April. Photo: Andrew Kravchenko / AP In a letter to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Ukraine writes that it will create a recommended shipping route on a temporary basis. The route is intended to go through the sea areas of neighboring Romania. – The aim is to facilitate the opening of international shipping in the north-west of the Black Sea, writes Acting Infrastructure Minister Vasyl Shkurakov in the letter to the UN body. Russia with more demands On Monday, the grain agreement between Russia and Ukraine was concluded. The agreement, which was negotiated by Turkey and the UN, has made it possible for Ukraine to export krone and fertilizer to the rest of the world from ports in the Black Sea. The Kremlin said on Monday that the agreement is being put on hold, because it believes that the demands from Russia have not been met. However, President Vladimir Putin said they are ready to resume the agreement as soon as Russian demands are met. Among other things, Russia wants access to the SWIFT payment system. They also want the UN to make it easier for Russia to export agricultural products.
