Russia published video from secret German defense meeting – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Friday, the Russian broadcaster RT published an audio file. They wrote that it originated from a meeting between Germany’s Air Force Chief Ingo Gerhartz and other officers. Could German Taurus missiles be used to destroy the bridge? It was one of the questions that the defense leaders discussed. The important Kerch bridge that connects the Russian-occupied Crimea with Russia is not mentioned by name, but German defense experts claim it must be this one. The German Ministry of Defense confirmed this weekend that the recording from the defense meeting is authentic. The authorities will now try to find out how it is possible that the recording from a secret meeting in the defense ended up in Russia. THE BRIDGE: Can German Taurus missiles be used to destroy the bridge? It was one of the questions that the defense leaders discussed Photo: AP Hybrid war The conclusion from the leaked online meeting was, according to German media, to be presented to the Ministry of Defence. It should provide input for German Ukraine policy. Germany has for a long time considered whether German Taurus missiles can be sent to Ukraine. According to Defense Minister Boris Pisotrius, the recording was leaked as part of Russia’s hybrid war against Germany. – It is part of Putin’s information war, no doubt about it. It’s about using the recording to destabilize and make us uneasy, Pistorius said at a press conference on Sunday. Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the weekend called the incident too serious. He said the authorities must work quickly to get to the bottom of this serious matter. Many German media today ask the question how a defense meeting could have been hacked. The newspaper Der Spiegel writes that the video meeting was not held on a closed military line, but on the commercial platform Webex. FLY FAR: The German-made Taurus missiles can reach targets 500 km away. Photo: AP – I am the chancellor The German long-range missiles of the Taurus type are high on Ukraine’s wish list. They have a range of 500 km and can reach targets in Moscow. Scholz informed in February that Germany will not send Taurus to Ukraine. He claimed that the use of German weapons would lead to an escalation of the conflict with Russia. Scholz argued that the missiles must be operated by German personnel. Thus, Germans would be directly involved in the war. How the Taurus can be operated by Ukrainian personnel is something discussed at the leaked online meeting. The Chancellor has been criticized by both government partners and the opposition, because he does not want to send the German-made missiles to Ukraine. Criticism has grown after the leak of the recording from the defense meeting. On Monday, Scholz nevertheless said that his “no” stands – I am the chancellor and this still applies, Scholz answered during a press conference in Baden Würtemberg. NO: Scholz informed in February that Germany will not send Taurus to Ukraine. Photo: FABIAN BIMMER / Reuters – Our eternal enemy In Moscow, the leak from the defense meeting is used to show that Germany is already at war with Russia. On Monday, the German ambassador in Moscow was asked to appear at the Russian Ministry of Defence. According to the TASS news agency, he had to explain there what they claim are German plans to attack the Kerch Bridge. – This shows that there is no single ruler in Germany. This is direct evidence of a lack of democracy, writes the spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova on Telegram. Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dimitry Medvedev goes even further in his post on the Russian website. – One of our old enemies, the Germans, has again become our bitter enemy, writes the former president on Telegram. – See how detailed the “Fritzene” (ed. note. derogatory nickname for the Germans) discuss attacks on our territory. By using long-range missiles and selecting targets that will be most destructive to our Motherland.
