Russia gets an exemption from the sanctions for importing boots, smoke and hair loss shampoo to Svalbard – news Troms and Finnmark

The Russian mining company Trust Arktikugol has again been exempted from the sanctions provisions. In this way, supplies can be transported to the Russian mining settlement of Barentsburg on Svalbard. At the turn of November/December, a goods container was sent by car from Murmansk to Tromsø. On Tuesday this week, the cargo went aboard the freighter “Norbjørn”. It is now on its way to Barentsburg. The container contains everything from mining equipment and car parts to more everyday items such as tobacco and soap. This is shown in documents that news has been given access to. – Necessary supplies to ensure operations Director of Trust Arktikugol, Ildar Neverov, does not wish to comment on the matter to news. But in the application submitted to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in mid-November, the company writes that the supplies are absolutely necessary to ensure the operation of the mine in Barentsburg. The goods are also important for maintaining the social infrastructure in the Russian settlement, the letter states. Extract from Trust Arktikugol’s application for exemption from the sanction provisions. In total this time, the Russian mining company has asked for permission to import 108 different goods and equipment to Svalbard. Here is some of what is on the detailed list: Bolts for securing mine shafts Power cables Various ceiling lights Air filters A variety of screws Oil filters Stain removers Detergents Water pumps Overalls for women Boots Heaters Drill bits Lipstick Face powder Bars of soap Liquid soap in cans Various shampoos and conditioners Cigarettes Feared humanitarian crisis Norway has introduced a number of sanctions against Russia as a result of the war in Ukraine. The sanctions have also affected Barentsburg, where around 350 people live today. Supplies to Barentsburg have been transported through Norway for many years. First by van from Russia to Tromsø. Then by cargo boat to Svalbard. But when a new shipment was on its way from Murmansk to Barentsburg in April, the container was stopped at the Norwegian-Russian border station Storskog, and refused further transport. Russia protested the decision, and believed it could lead to a humanitarian crisis in Barentsburg. After a long period of dialogue, the Norwegian and Russian authorities finally agreed on a solution. At the beginning of July, the first supply container was sent by freighter to Barentsburg. Barentsburg on Svalbard, March 2022. Photo: Rune Nordgård Andreassen – This is the result of intense negotiations and good dialogue between our ministries. The situation has now stabilized, and the acute problem reduced. The then Consul General Sergey Guschin told news in July. In October, however, there were frictions once again. Then a container on its way to Svalbard was held back by customs in Tromsø. Among other things, it contained some welded pipes. According to news’s ​​understanding, there must have been a disagreement as to whether the pipes were on the sanctions list or not. After a few days, however, the container was released, and then transported to Svalbard. – Standing in a special position Since the sanctions against Russia were introduced last winter, Trust Arktikugol has on four occasions been granted dispensation from the import ban in the so-called Ukraine regulations. Communications advisor Guro Solberg in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs states this in an e-mail to news. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the residents of Barentsburg are in a special position due to the conditions on Svalbard. In the worst case, the sanctions could lead to a halt in mining operations and create unintended and demanding conditions for the local population, the dispensation states. “Dispensation has been granted to introduce necessary goods to maintain mining operations in Barentsburg, and to meet the needs of the local population. According to the sanctions regulations, only goods that are subject to an import ban must be applied for permission to bring into Barentsburg. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not have an overview of shipments that are not subject to the sanctions,” explains Solberg.
