is closed – the Russians despair – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– A few days ago we received a message from the company that we had to plan an emergency meeting, says Enea Gundersen, who is one of the bus managers on the Russian bus Kudoz 2024 to news. Today, the girls’ gang, who are all Russians next year, had a meeting with Russebuss. – Suddenly we go from having everything ready to having to start all over again, says Kaja Femtegjeld. She is also a bus manager on the bus. On Tuesday, it became clear that, the company that was supposed to provide both the bus and equipment for the girls’ Russe time, is to be wound up. – It was a shock. Most people were very upset. What shall we do now? asks Gundersen. No money guarantee The 19 girls from Halden had until Tuesday everything ready for a Russian time with joy, partying and, not least, rolling. – We have been ready for this for a very long time and it is not just about signing a new contract somewhere else, says Gundersen. The girls say that they have had several payments on the bus they were going to hire next spring. In total, they have paid NOK 61,500 in advance. Russian group Kudoz on 17 May this year. Photo: Privat Monday, the Russian group met Anna Rognlien, general manager of Innovatis AS, which owns Then they should have been told that the company will try to repay the money, but received no guarantees. Rognlien repeats on Tuesday what she said to news on Monday: – We want to liquidate the company as orderly as possible. We want as many people as possible to get their money back. Several Russians have entered into an agreement to rent a bus with for 2024. Here from a Russian bus in May this year. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Feeling cheated Sara Johansen, who is also a member of the Russian group, says she feels cheated. – It has not been that long since we signed the contract. So you’d think they knew they could go bankrupt. We feel we have been deceived, she says. The general manager of the company tells news that the last few months have become much more expensive than expected. – During April, we had several large, unforeseen expenses. Two 50-year-old buses had to be repaired, in addition to the fact that three buses were not approved by the Road Administration. It cost the company many hundreds of thousands of kroner, says Rognlien. – None of us expected that the last few months would be so expensive. But we will do everything in our power to return all the money. – That is also part of the point of liquidating before a possible bankruptcy, she adds. – Don’t have many other options The girls from Halden are not alone in feeling cheated after Monday’s news. Herman Mehus is the group leader of a Russian gang from Eidsvold. The 18 boys had agreed to hire a bus for four days in May next year. Now the dream of rolling, deafening bass and strobe lights is shattered. – The mother of one of the group read the news online today. We have been looking forward to this and have imagined how things would turn out, so we were quite shocked, says Mehus. – The first thing I thought was that yes, that money was in the trash, he adds. The group thought it would be wise to hire a bus for four days, rather than a whole month, in case something happened to the bus. – It is also a good deal cheaper. But even if we have paid less than other groups, it is a shame if we lose that money. We have a smaller budget than many others, so we don’t have many other options, says the group manager.
