Runs hotels in costume – but the ankle chain is real – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

It was here that I started my sentence, in cell 13. Audun Garthe is back in prison where he himself started the sentence of an original seven-year sentence. He was convicted after he tried to smuggle large quantities of hashish in 2015. Now the cells have been turned into hotel rooms, and he is the hotel host. Garthe is back in the cell where he started serving his sentence in 2017. He thinks it’s nice to create new memories in the building that is now his workplace. Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / news news has previously reported on the high-risk prison in Arendal, which has now been converted into a hotel completely out of the ordinary. In the prison hotel, visitors get an insight into what it was like to be imprisoned in the prison from 1862. A new start When Rolf Frode Goggsbo bought the old prison, he had a vision. It should be authentic. That meant hiring Garthe, who is a former inmate. – Most people deserve a fresh start. So then it is important to get help from someone who has faith in you, he says. Goggsmo considers himself a humanist and has employed both young and old in various jobs over the years. – There is a big difference between people, but I have rarely missed people. For Goggsmo, it is important to give people confidence and a fresh start. He thinks most people deserve a second chance. Photo: Espen Bierud / news Got together For Garthe, it means everything to have a job to go to. He says it is a great vote of confidence and that it motivates. – I am responsible for many people. Garte says it is useful to sharpen up. When he got together, he quickly got his life on the right track. – Even though I have committed a criminal act, I have always had a desire not to be a part of that life, he says. He believes work experience is an important part of rehabilitation when you are on your way out into society again. – Who do you want as your neighbor? One who comes out completely imprisoned or one who has received rehabilitation? He himself has to use an ankle brace for another three months. Then he is a free man. The last part of the sentence, Garthe has served time wearing an anklet. Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / news Wants to motivate young people When Garte is at work in the prison hotel, he makes no secret of the fact that he himself has been imprisoned. Motivating young people to choose the right path is a great motivation. – Now I try to talk a little with children and young people so that they do not choose the path I went, he says. When news visits, the Ny family is also there. They laugh when nine-year-old Ville Haugland Ny enters the smooth cell wearing a prison suit. – I’m a thief, says the nine-year-old, who has never been to a prison before. He prick up his ears as he is told true stories from his time in prison. And with Ville, the message has reached. – It seems a bit boring to be in prison. Then you have very little space to play, he says. Audun Garthe tells stories about how prisoners escaped from prison in the past. Then it’s time for some play and fun. Hi! Thank you for reading this case! Do you have a comment or tip on other issues we should look at? Feel free to send me an email!
