Rune Strand saves all year to help others at Christmas – news Troms and Finnmark

In a warehouse at Kanebogen in Harstad, Rune Strand is packing toys, Christmas presents, food, clothes and sanitary products he has bought himself. A good Christmas celebration must be given to families in need. This year’s budget is around NOK 70,000. The money comes from donations to Strand’s organization Fra Jjel til Hånd, and his own saved funds. – In fact, the only thing missing is that you should care about others who are struggling. Plain and simple, he says. Puts money aside every month Strand is not in work, but receives unemployment benefits due to illness. Nevertheless, he uses what he can to help others. He saves as much as he can every month. All of the gifts and food in the warehouse at Kanebogen in Harstad have been bought in by Rune Strand. Photo: Børge Hoseth / news – I also take it out for Christmas and buy in what I can. It gives me such joy. Caring for others is the greatest joy one can have in life. Help others, says Strand. The helping adventure started six years ago. Strand saw a documentary on TV about how people in different wage classes celebrated Christmas. A single mother with three children made an impression. – I decided to make an effort for others who are struggling, he says. Sold almost everything in the living room On Facebook, he asked to buy toys, clothes and other things for children to make Christmas presents and Christmas calendars. To make it happen, almost everything he had in the living room was sold. – I was left with a table and a chair, and I also started packing. Rune Strand fixes gifts for children in families who cannot afford to buy them themselves. Photo: Børge Hoseth / news 34 families received help from Strand that year. – They received Christmas calendars, Christmas presents, Christmas food. Yes, everything you can think of to have a good Christmas. This year, he directly helps 28 families and three single people, writes Harstad Tidende. He hopes to help even more people in the years to come. Strand has only one prayer – that more people dare to ask for help. – People are afraid to make contact. That pride, it’s hard to swallow sometimes. They should swallow their pride and speak up. Helping other helpers In recent years, Strand has also started helping other aid organisations. Last year he collaborated with the Harstad Red Cross where he contributed and distributed Christmas presents. Facilitator of volunteering in the organisation, Kent Helgesen, says that Strand’s work is of great importance to those who receive help. – What you see most is the joy of those who receive this. You can see it in the face and demeanor that it means an incredible amount, says Helgesen. Janne Våje Nilsen, corps leader in the Salvation Army Harstad, appreciates the gifts they receive from Rune Strand. Photo: Børge Hoseth / news The Salvation Army Harstad is among the organizations Strand donates gifts to. Corps leader Janne Våje Nilsen is grateful for the contributions. – Such zealots as Rune are fantastic. We are completely dependent on people who help us help others, says Nilsen. – It is much bigger than it was, but it can be even bigger. And I hope so, says Strand.
