Rune Solberg from Snåsa suddenly found four women in the pipe – news Trøndelag

– We heard sounds from the fireplace and brick pipe, which we didn’t really think much about. Because it could only have been the wind making noise in the house of Rune Solberg and Marianne Virtanen. The house is located by Snåsavatnet, just a few miles north of Steinkjer. But the next day there was much more noise and a much stronger sound. Then Rune and Marianne had to investigate further. They started by looking into the oven and at the top of the fireplace they could see a tail. – Here is a bird we have to help out of its misery. They opened the top of the oven and there sat a relatively small duck. – Then it was off to the garage to get the work gloves. We were able to lift the duck out of the oven and open the door so they could fly out. And then one would think that the day’s good deed was done and that the pipe was breathless. But no, then. Rune Solberg thought it was unusual for a duck to hide in the fireplace and the pipe. But all four ducks? Photo: Marianne Virtanen Four ducks in a pipe – Not long after we heard the same sound again. There can’t be more ducks in the fireplace then? When Rune opened the fireplace he saw a new tail. They got the duck out without any problems so that it could happily fly out over Lake Snåsavatnet. Rune and Marianne thought that was probably all, but a little while later they heard a sound again. They opened the fireplace and could see another duck, but this one was a little frightened and went into the pipe between the fireplace and the pipe. With the duck so far inside the fireplace, it became difficult to get hold of it. As a result, Rune and Marianne had to dismantle the stove from the pipe that went to the pipe. – I caught what I thought was the third duck, but it was a dead duck that had been dead for a long time. There was another duck in there that was alive. After much back and forth, Rune managed to carefully pry the duck out. – The fourth duck started flying around the living room. We were able to open the kitchen window so that it could fly out. The action lasted between three and four hours. – I have never experienced anything like this at all. It is not unusual for women to stray into pipes. They see it as a possible place to build a nest. Photo: Marianne Virtanen Thrives in brick pipes – It’s a female duck, Otto Frengen notes quite quickly after seeing the pictures of the ducks that were in Rune’s pipe. Frengen is now retired, but previously worked with the NTNU Science Museum. He says that it is not unusual to be visited by women in the pipa. – But why are women attracted to pipers? – There may be a lack of other available space to lay their nest. It will hide the nest and where it lays its eggs, preferably in cavities. Frengen says that many people put out brooding boxes with a large entrance hole, where females thrive. For Rune and Marianne, it felt good to save some ducks. – Even if one of the ducks was dead, we were still on the plus side. We are very fond of birds and keep a close eye on them. There is a fabulous bird paradise in this area, says Rune Solberg.
