Rules drama in the Oslo marathon – the winner was dished out and lost the NM gold – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

It became dramatic when the men’s winner of the marathon in the capital was to be announced on Saturday. Also at stake were NM medals in the distance. Frew Zenebe Brkineh from Sandnes reached the finish line first and was named winner with a time of 2.25.24. He gave victory interviews, and the organizer also managed to send out a press release about the outcome before the drama really started. Oslo Marathon states that images and information emerged that Sandnes runner Brkineh allegedly cut certain turns in an unregulated manner and thus did not comply with the course. BEFORE THE ANNOUNCEMENT: Here Frew Zenebe Brkineh poses with the medal. Shortly after, he was dished out. Photo: Daniel Tengs/tengsphoto/BMW Oslo Marathon / NTB This meant that the jury chose to disqualify the winner and award Tage Morken Augustson from Varegg the victory with a time of 2.25.44. – We received several reports – eventually more photo and video evidence – that on a number of occasions he has cut corners and run shorter than what his competitors have done, says judge Nils Johan Waldenstrøm to news. – How often has this happened? – At least we have concrete evidence that this has happened in four specific places. We have also received reports that it has been in several places. I have no concrete evidence for that. But the specific places we have seen in pictures and film were unfortunately enough for us not to be able to vouch for another decision, he replies. Gold smoke at the end According to Waldenstrøm, Frew Zenebe Brkineh took the message “terribly hard”. – It wasn’t very pleasant and easy to be the one who gave him that message either. But quite naturally he took this very seriously. Such situations are sad, says the judge. news has tried to get a comment from Brkineh, but has so far been unsuccessful. Tage Morken Augustson can thus also call himself Norwegian champion in the marathon distance. – Very nice to win. But it would have been even better if I had finished first, said Augustson to the organizer after he learned that the silver had been converted into gold. – I had good legs and good energy at the end, added the recent Norwegian champion. Stian Christoffersen from Runar in Sandefjord came second and took NM silver in a time of 2.26.10. Christoffersen had a hold on Augustson for a long time, but was passed towards the end. Little did he know that it was the gold and the victory that was smoking there. Piera Tobiassen from Sirma IL was third in a time of 2.26.59. Opland won the women’s class Disqualified Brkineh led the marathon in Oslo from start to finish. – I am very happy to win both the NM and the Oslo marathon. I am also satisfied with the time, said the Sandnes runner before the record was a fact. A total of 20,100 participate in this year’s edition of the Oslo Marathon. Kristin Waaktaar Opland (41) won the women’s class and became Norwegian champion on Saturday. No one could keep up with the Bratsberg runner. The mother of two from Trøndelag won in a time of 2.44.20 and was in a class of her own. Britain’s Melissah Gibson followed closest, but she was beaten by two and a half minutes. Gibson got the time 2.46.49.
