Royal house expert reacts to interview with Märtha Louise – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

In the program “Min sanning”, which is broadcast on Swedish SVT today, Princess Märtha Louise is interviewed by Anna Hedenmo. There she talks about the princess role, her fiance Durek Verrett and the media in Norway and Ari Behn. Märtha again defends Durek Verrett and his statements and goes to great lengths to blame the Norwegian media for Ari Behn’s death. She also believes that she is the most criticized person in Norway – and that part of the reason for all the criticism is that she is a woman. Several of the statements arouse reactions here at home. Thinks she could have kept a lower profile Royal House expert Trond Norén Isaksen draws parallels between the interview with Märtha and interviews Prince Harry has done recently. – She has put herself on the same line. She says the media distorts everything and largely blames everything on the media. Part of the problem here is that she takes very little responsibility for her own actions or statements, says Isaksen to news. Royal house expert Trond Norén Isaksen. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news He refers to posts the princess has published on Instagram where she has been critical of how the media refer to herself, her fiancé and Ari Behn. Reidun Kjelling Nybø, secretary general of the Norwegian Editors’ Association, points out that the princess could choose to keep a lower profile. – Instead, she seeks publicity in a number of contexts – not least in connection with her commercial activities. She also participates in various TV programs. Then she has to put up with the media asking her questions, writes Nybø in an e-mail to news. The then Crown Prince Harald and Crown Princess Sonja with a newborn Princess Märtha Louise. Photo: Erik Thorberg / NTB scanpix At the same time, she emphasizes that she understands that it must be demanding to be born into “Norway’s most public family”. – To experience as much attention as what she has done – she has never chosen this herself. Isaksen also talks about the much-discussed mix of roles for the princess. – And it is completely self-inflicted. Then it is natural that questions arise. Press conference in connection with the launch of the Angel School in 2010. Photo: Mathias Oppedal / news Isaksen also believes that Märtha Louise “blames” Durek Verrett too much. – She goes to great lengths to say that he is the reason behind all the controversies in the media, but they existed long before they met each other. Nevertheless, she portrays it as if everything turned around when the two got together. Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett photographed in connection with Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s coming of age in 2022. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Isaksen adds that the media pressure has probably increased after Märtha and Durek got together, but insists that it is also about things the princess says and does. – It is a bit special that she blames everything on him and the things he does. – Two very different worlds Court reporter in Se og Hør, Caroline Vagle, agrees with much of what Isaksen says. She also believes that Märtha Louise was considered controversial before she met Verrett, and that she voluntarily seeks out the spotlight. – I am not at all surprised. She has always been outspoken and is not afraid to say what she thinks. I support that, says Vagle to news. Caroline Vagle is also critical of several of Märtha Louise’s statements on Swedish SVT. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – But when you are such a public figure and seek out the public as much as she does, you have to expect that the media will ask critical questions. It’s kind of part of the thing. She understands that Isaksen finds similarities between her and Prince Harry. – They are both this so-called “reserve”, and it has been shown in many royal houses that it is not so easy to both be number two and always be available, but at the same time maybe get a career of your own. It has been seen in Denmark, England and Norway. – But I believe that you cannot compare what Prince Harry says about the British press and how the Norwegian press operates. I mean they really are two very different worlds. The treatment of Harry and Megan shows that criticism of members of the royal family affects both women and men, says Vagle. Photo: RUBA / Backgrid UK Among other things, she refers to agreements between the British royal house and the press, where Prince Harry could be exposed to strong criticism as long as the heir to the throne William was presented in a good light. Vagle believes that one has never seen anything like this in Norway. Märtha Louise says in the interview with SVT that she does not think she would have received so much criticism if she were not a woman. Vagle is skeptical about this. – When Crown Prince Håkon met Mette-Marit, it was not the case that the choice he made was not criticized. Harry has also received a lot of criticism for that with Megan, so I think we have an example of it happening both ways. – However, one should not deny that being in the media’s spotlight for all the years she has done it is tiring. Of course it is. Vagle says that the crown prince also received criticism at the start of his relationship with Mette-Marit. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Danger of acute understaffing at the castle Three months have passed since the royal family decided that Princess Märtha Louise should stop representing the Norwegian royal house. Then she also lost the opportunity to be a royal patron for organizations – a role she has enjoyed. During the interview, the princess says that she will say yes if she is asked to represent the royal house again. Trond Norén Isaksen believes there are possibilities for that to happen. – The royal family is in a rather acute danger of being understaffed, says Isaksen, and points to the advanced age of several of the royals. Princess Astrid turns 91 today. Both the king and queen are both 85 years old. Princess Astrid turns 91 today. The experts believe that the royal family is in danger of being understaffed, now that several of the members are old. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB The future King Haakon will thus not have many others to lean on in a public context. – In addition, Crown Princess Mette-Marit is chronically ill. Then the royal house can put Märtha to good use – then she can fill the role in the same way as Princess Astrid has done for a number of years, says Isaksen. Vagle says that the royal house has left the door open for Märtha Louise, but that a comeback requires her to be able to actively separate the role of princess from her and Verrett’s business activities. – When it became known that she would no longer represent the public, you could read between the lines that there was room for a comeback. So I certainly think that it can be relevant. – She is very warm and present. There has never been anyone who has postponed anything about the work she has done, it has been absolutely formidable. Princess Märtha Louise has been contacted about the statements in this article, and does not wish to comment on the matter further.
