Rosenborg’s match against Lillestrøm must be played in front of empty stands – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– After a concrete assessment, the NFF has concluded that we are faced with “special conditions” which mean that the teams will be allowed to play the match, but that it must be played in front of empty stands. They further write that in the assessment of “special conditions” it is emphasized that the clubs are facing an extraordinary situation in that we have not previously had similar actions so systematically aimed at the playing surfaces and with such a degree of cooperation and coordination between different supporter groups. – We consider that the pressure on the clubs is in any case high in that their own supporters have directed actions towards the football pitch during matches, that the clubs must identify and sanction their own supporters who have thrown objects and that the club risks fines and possibly other sanctions imposed by the NFF’s independent judicial bodies. Replay There was also a risk that both clubs would receive zero points, but that will not happen. Instead, the match is replayed. – Finally, the NFF considers that the background for the actions is such that setting the match result at 0-0 and 0 points in this specific case entails an unnecessarily large risk of escalating tension in an already inflamed situation for Norwegian top clubs. – Strict – Strict in its own way. But the NFF has decided to stand out against the protests now, says news’s ​​sports commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt. Saltvedt believes there is every reason to believe that this will have a preventive effect on Norwegian supporters who dislike video refereeing. – Quite the contrary. Some will probably also see it as a kind of omen for how the stands in the long term may end up looking in the Norwegian elite series if a more constructive dialogue is not established than the NFF has managed so far. Sports commentator at news, Jan Petter Saltvedt. Photo: Lars Thomas Nordby / news Will be a topic at the football meeting The Norwegian Football Association also confirms that video refereeing will be a topic at next year’s football meeting in March. – I and we spend a lot of time meeting and listening to Norwegian supporters at various levels. This is a good part of the job, I think. We are passionate about freedom of expression in Norwegian and international football. I am humbled that in the past we may not have communicated clearly enough what are effective democratic channels to get involved in the question of VAR’s future in Norwegian football. – We will now do our best to meet the call from the clubs and supporters in a good way, says football president Lise Klaveness. Football president Lise Klaveness. Photo: Per Sveinung Larsen / news Published 25.07.2024, at 16.36 Updated 25/07/2024, at 16.54
