Rosenborg women with victory in the first step against the master league – news Trøndelag

It started well for Rosenborg, who met Icelandic Breidablik on Thursday. And so it would continue. After only three minutes, the Trønder women had gone up in the lead at the Koteng arena. Only six minutes later they increased the score to 2-0. Before the referee blew the whistle and sent the teams to half-time, Rosenborg had put the ball in the goal once more. Superior When the fourth goal came, the second half was barely underway. And although Breidablik soon served up two quick scores in a short space of time, they had nothing to say. It thus ended 4-2 in the first part of the qualifying round, and two of the goals were scored by Emilie Nautnes. – It was great fun in the first half, then I feel that we play very well. Then we let ourselves down a bit in the second half, but I feel we have control, she says. 4-2 was the final result when Rosenborg took on Breidablik at home. Photo: Ingrid Lingaard Stranden / news The victory on Thursday is the first step on the road to getting to the next round in the Champions League. Sporting director Jan Henrik Øydne emphasizes how important the victory is. – Moving on and being one step closer to the Champions League is of great importance both sportingly and financially – and that we get to show off in Europe, he says to news shortly after it was decided on the turf. – It is the biggest thing we can be involved in, says Øydne. Last year, Rosenborg suffered a defeat when they lost against Levante in the first part of the qualification. But with five straight wins in the bank, confidence was high ahead of Thursday’s meeting. Now a showdown awaits against FC Minsk on Sunday. If Rosenborg comes out victorious against the Belarusian team, the playoff round awaits in September before any group stage. Strong in faith – It is always good to win football matches, and then it is an important match. This is something we have been looking forward to all season, says coach Steinar Lein after the match. He brags about the team, which he believed played well and was in full control. At the same time, he believes that it was unnecessary to concede two goals. – We are a young team, and need experience playing such matches and playing against a different type of opponent than we face in Norway. This gives us the opportunity to play the final on Sunday, and that is important for us. – We must be satisfied and happy tonight, and work on tomorrow. Steinar Lein was satisfied after the settlement on Thursday. Now FC Minsk awaits on Sunday. Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard Stranden / news The coach believes that FC Minsk is a manageable opponent. – But the match must be played and we must prepare well. But of course we strongly believe that we can take it too. – First officer Ina Vårhus was out with prolapse, but was happy to see the rest of the women doing the job in the meeting with Breidablik. Now she hopes that the team will repeat the success the men managed in the 90s, and says they will do everything to reach the goal. – Rosenborg will play in Europe, so we and the men’s team will be the first to do so, she smiles.
