Rosenborg Ice Hockey Club in Trondheim reduces the training fee by many thousands of kroner – news Trøndelag

– I think everyone should start with ice hockey. It’s a good sport, but I recommend practicing a bit on the ice first. That’s what Lea Barzyc says. She loves spending her free time at the rink, and hopes to bring more people with her next season. – I play because it’s fun. Lea Barzyc is an ice hockey goalkeeper. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news Animal sports Ice hockey is one of the most expensive sports to play. According to a report carried out by the sports association, the average price of the membership fee for young people is around NOK 10,000 a year. The total price with equipment is around NOK 25,000 a year for a 15-year-old. As the prices of most things in everyday life rise, Rosenborg Ice Hockey Club is now reducing the training fee. From next season, the fee will drop from around NOK 10,000 to NOK 50 for all active players in children’s and youth sports. Be inspired Rosenborg is one of Norway’s oldest clubs and has a lot of money on its books. On the question of why the fee has not been reduced earlier, board member Randi Lilleberg is clear in his speech: – Honestly, we were inspired by Våg football club who did it first. We hadn’t thought of that as a possibility before. Board member Randi Lilleberg hopes more people will come to try ice hockey from next season. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news Now the club wants to inspire more people to reduce their fees. – Leisure activities for young people are what are cut when everything else is so expensive. To prevent financial exclusion, we choose to reduce the price, says Lilleberg. The purpose is to get rid of the class divide and that the economy should not be the scapegoat for outsiders Significantly The parents’ group in the team agree that this will open more doors for other parents. – It is very important. There will be a lower threshold to come to the ice rink to try, says Kristian Åsmundsen. Ice hockey means a lot to him. Sport has been a big part of his everyday life since he was young. Kristian Åsmundsen and his daughter spend a lot of time together in the training arena. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news Now he has a daughter who has moved onto the ice. – It takes up a lot of my time, so I think this is an important measure. Financially secure club If the club is to achieve this over a longer period of time, they are dependent on getting ambassadors to support the project. – After all, they will then support that everyone should have the opportunity to join, regardless of finances. I think more people think that’s nice, says Randi Lilleberg. During the pandemic, Rosenborg ice hockey lost several members. Photo: Rosenborg ice hockey
