Ronny Kristoffersen will train Ukrainian refugees for the Norway Cup – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

On Tuesday afternoon, a group of young Ukrainian refugees met on the football pitch in Kongsberg. Some of them have never played football before. But that will not stop them when they will participate in the Norway Cup already on Sunday. – I’ve never played football before, but it was a lot of fun. I don’t know if I enjoyed banging my head against the ball then, says Diana Rusanova. Many of the refugees have not played much football before. Photo: Anders Haualand / news She and the other young people on the team have in common that they have fled the war in their home country and ended up in the emergency department in Kongsberg. Now they will train together for the next few days and try their hand at one of the biggest youth football tournaments in the world. A national team of refugees – This is the result of a rather wild idea. We heard for a long time about the refugees who sit in reception. So I thought; I have been a football coach, says Ronny Kristoffersen. Ronny Kristoffersen thinks it’s incredibly fun to see how the Ukrainian youngsters are doing in training. Photo: Anders Haualand / news Kristoffersen, from the documentary duo “Nils and Ronny”, will now follow this team of refugees as they try out for the Norway Cup. But it is not necessarily football that is at the center. – The Norway Cup is a very positive thing, and for many of these it will be a very nice change from the reception, and it gives them a break from thinking about their family in their home country, he says. He does not know whether the involvement will end up in a documentary, but it is the experience of the young people that is the most important, believes Kristoffersen. – We will try to do a humanitarian measure, but also film along the way. Then we’ll see if it turns into a movie in the end. One of his helpers is Jan Tore Gjendem, who usually coaches the junior team for Kongsberg sports association, but who will now train the Ukrainian youngsters. – I am on loan to “Ukraine United”, which is great fun. It’s probably one of the best ways to spend your holiday, he says. The coach Jan Tore Gjendem helps Diana learn to head the ball. Photo: Anders Haualand / news – I’m sure we’ll win One of them who has played some football before is Artem Kompaniiets. Although he hasn’t played much in the last four years. – I mostly played for fun. Now I spend most days doing nothing. When we were asked about taking part in this, it sounded like a good opportunity. Artem Kompaniiets is a little nervous, but is nevertheless confident that they will win. Photo: Anders Haualand / news Although he is a little nervous about the tournament, he is optimistic about the result. – You are always a little nervous about playing in a big tournament in front of lots of people. But I’m sure we’ll win, he says with a smile. On March 20, he fled his home near Kyiv. By then the area was almost completely occupied. – I came here with my mother, my sister, my aunt and her son. Now he is looking forward to being able to spend a lot of time with the other youngsters on the pitch.
