Ronny (43) was found dead in a car park – man (30) has been sentenced to seven years in prison – news Vestland

On 1 June 2019, a woman found Ronny Nygård (43) dead in a car park at Åsane terminal in Bergen. The police first described the death as an accident, then a case of murder and finally a case of violence resulting in death. The woman who found Nygård dead is said to have removed branches from a tree which, according to her, had been wrapped around his neck. She did this to look for Nygård’s pulse. A 30-year-old man was charged with grievous bodily harm and for failing to call for medical help. Nygård died as a result. The prosecutor asked for seven years in prison for the man. Now the man has been sentenced in accordance with the indictment and the sentence of seven years, state prosecutor Rudolf Christofferen tells news. He must also pay restitution compensation of NOK 175,000 to a family member, according to BA, who first wrote about the sentence. Ronny Nygård was found dead in a car park in Åsane. Photo: Privat Found no grounds for murder charges The prosecution believed the defendant strangled or tightened a branch around Nygård’s neck, and then stuck a wooden stick into his mouth. Nygård died on the spot as a result of suffocation, according to the indictment. The 30-year-old was at one point charged with murder. Ronny Nygård at Åsane terminal the night before the day he was found dead. Photo: The police But in the autumn of 2019, the man was released from custody, because the Court of Appeal could not rule out that an accident had occurred. It happened as a result of several autopsy reports from forensic experts, where the cause of death was changed several times. The prosecution also found no grounds for murder charges, and was eventually charged with grievous bodily harm resulting in death. The man has now been sentenced for this. Will appeal the verdict – We believe the verdict is correct. This case has had a fragmented evidence picture, where there has not been one piece of evidence alone that has decided the question of guilt. But the evidence put together leaves no doubt, says Christoffersen. The man’s defense attorney, Einar Råen, disagrees with the verdict, – He has gone through the verdict, and will appeal the verdict, says Råen. Was very drunk in the evening and during the night During the trial the man denied guilt. He expressed several times that he did not remember anything from the night Ronny Nygård allegedly lost his life. Ronny Nygård was found dead in this car park. Photo: Åsmund Gullachsen / news But he said that he was very drunk the night before 1 June. and therefore remembers nothing from the evening and night. – I don’t remember where I was or who I was out with. I only have a few glimpses, still images, of the evening, the man told the court. But the defendant was caught on a surveillance camera from the terminal at 3 o’clock on the night of 1 June. A location log on the mobile phone also shows that the man was near where Nygård was found dead, the police believe. Nygård’s blood was also found on the defendant’s jacket. BLOOD ON THE JACKET: Blood from the deceased was found on the defendant’s jacket. Photo: The police In court, the man told that he remembers a man who was “shouting and yelling” at some young people on the bus. But he did not know whether this was Nygård or not, he told the court.
