Ronja Therese Mylius in the Stop oil exploration campaign announces more actions in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

– We can promise that as long as our requirements are not met, we will continue. This is what Ronja Therese Mylius, spokesperson for news’s ​​Stop the oil exploration campaign, says. On Tuesday morning, a new operation was carried out in the morning rush hour in Trondheim. Like the action on Elgeseter bridge on Monday, it created large queues when the activists sat down on the E6 at Nardo. – We will fight for those we love, and we will fight for the future. Ronja Therese Mylius tells news that they will not take action until the government has met the requirements for the Stop Oil Exploration campaign. Photo: Private Announces more actions – Why exactly demonstrations in the morning rush hour? – Because we are in a time where everyone has to ask themselves the question of whether they think it is morally right for the government to continue with this. Stopping the oil exploration is the only obvious thing to do, and we have to get this on the agenda. Mylius adds that the activists have carried out actions against oil infrastructure, without it leading to the debate they believe should have been in society. This is what it looked like when the activists sat down on Elgeseter bridge on Monday morning. Photo: Grete Thobroe / news The campaign’s demand is that the Norwegian government declares an immediate halt to all further exploration for oil and gas on the Norwegian shelf. Furthermore, they demand that the government lay down a concrete plan for fair restructuring for today’s oil workers. Must end Marte Løvik, leader of the Center Party’s city council group, tells news that it is a pity that the activists choose ways to demonstrate that endanger both their own and others’ lives. She thinks it makes people less concerned with the message. – We will endure actions and demonstrations, but I do not think they achieve what they want by doing things that put others at risk, she says. Løvik encourages activists to find another way to act – which has a more positive effect in addition to saving police resources. Parliamentary representative Mari Holm Lønseth (H) is also concerned. – You will get these people cheap from me, when they both destroy people’s everyday lives and destroy for their own cause, she writes to news. That the activists announce more actions in the future, she thinks is unacceptable. – These activists contribute with this form of action only to destroy the climate issue. It is unfortunate and must end. Mari Holm Lønseth (H) believes that the activists are destroying both people’s everyday lives and their own cause. Photo: Kasper Holgersen Desperate road users On Tuesday morning, police operations manager Ole Petter Hollingen said that they moved out after many telephone calls from road users who were standing in line. – They are desperate and annoyed, he told news. That the actions create despair among road users who, among other things, are on their way to work, Mylius has the following comment to: – Of course we do not want to affect individuals, and we understand that it is despairing. But we have tried everything else, she says, who describes the actions as necessary to get the issue on the agenda. Here, the police remove activists from Elgeseter bridge on Monday. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news On Monday, six activists were taken into custody, while there were four on Tuesday. Everyone can expect hefty fines, and several have unresolved issues in other police districts. We are talking about both foreign and Norwegian citizens. According to Mylius, there will be different people participating in the actions in the future. – We have very many in Trondheim who care very much, and who sacrifice a lot for all their future. I think this is the start of something more Morten Wolden, municipal director in Trondheim, we think we must expect that both similar and other types of actions will become common in the future. – We have been spared in Norwegian society for the action democracy that has been common in many other places in Europe, he says to news. – We must not be surprised that both our own citizens are taking action, but also that people are coming from other countries to take action. Morten Wolden, municipal director in Trondheim, believes this is the start of something more. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news Wolden adds that he understands that it is uncomfortable for those who are affected, but adds that he believes the police handle the activists with a sure hand. – But it may be that this is the start of something more. Have practiced for a long time Tuesday’s action took place on the E6 at Nardo, where there is high speed. Afterwards, the operations manager said that no accidents had occurred, but he also pointed out that it could have happened quickly. To take care of the safety of the activists, Mylius says that they have practiced for a long time in advance. – We have also had training with former AMK employees, and gone through very clearly how we can maintain safety for our part, but also for others’ part as well as possible, says Mylius. It created large queues when the activists sat on the E6 at Nardo on Tuesday morning. Photo: Arne Kristian Gansmo / news
