Rødt and Moxnes say yes to arms to Ukraine – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Rødt is strongly critical of the USA’s power in the world and against Norwegian NATO membership. That is why many in the party have been against sending Norwegian weapons to Ukraine. Among other things, Joakim Møllersen, a member of the party’s central board, took a clear stand against it in news’s ​​Debate. Leader Bjørnar Moxnes has so far not flagged what he means. Now he stands with the majority in the central government in a recommendation to the national assembly: This majority has now adopted a proposed amendment to the statement on Ukraine. Moxnes has a majority of 10 to 4 in the central board. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news – Russia is imperialist – Red must have a principled anti-imperialist policy and stand for these principles in practice. In my view, this means both that Rødt must agree that Ukraine must be able to receive arms support from Norway, but not unconditionally, and that Norway must work harder for a peace solution, Moxnes told news. – What is the main reason? – Ukraine is under attack from a Russia with declared imperialist ambitions, and is asking for weapons, then we must be able to contribute with that. Among other things, Norway has air defenses which they desperately need, says the Rødt leader, and continues: – But it is important that Norway at the same time work much harder diplomatically for a fair and lasting peace solution. Other countries that provide arms support have so far done more in this field. It is also important that it is still Norway, possibly together with other countries, and not NATO, which carries out arms donations, in order to limit the danger of war between great powers. Rødt will consider the matter at the national meeting in April. In January, the committee that proposes political statements to the national assembly submitted a recommendation that was against arms support. With 10 votes against 4, the central board now takes the opposite view. Changed situation Bjørnar Moxnes defends his point of view with a new situation: – The situation has changed. The arguments we had a year ago no longer hold. There was concern that by sending weapons, Norway would become a co-belligerent state and the war would spread to several countries. but we have seen that militarily the war has remained within Ukraine’s borders. – Are you not afraid of a split in the party? – No, there has been a factual and good discussion in the party this winter. There are different points of view, so it is right that Rødt takes the debate seriously about how best to support a country that is exposed to an imperialist attack and must defend itself, and takes a clear position. The Red leader believes that the situation in Ukraine has changed. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news Shut up Moxnes denies that he is now leading the debate. – I got a lot of flack for not going out with my view in January, but I did so so that the debate could go on freely in the party this winter. Now the debate has been going on throughout the party for two months and we are approaching the national meeting, so I think it is in order to say what I think about the matter, he says. – It is not an unconditional yes, decisive emphasis must be placed on preventing the war from spreading to other countries, we say no to sending Norwegian fighter planes and soldiers, the weapons must not be used outside Ukraine’s territory, and donations must be made after thorough assessments where the Storting is consulted beforehand, says Moxnes. Reaction in Oslo City Council leader Raymond Johansen has come out hard against Rødt. He believed that Rødt’s stance against weapons showed an “abyss in understanding of reality”. – This has less than zero significance. Ap depends on Red in Oslo, and foreign policy is not decided in the city council. I have been keen to follow the debate in Rødt and what is right for an anti-imperialist party. What other parties have said about us has not played into this. – What do you do if the national assembly says no? – This is an important matter. In Rødt, party democracy rules, so the leadership follows up the policy adopted by the national assembly, says Moxnes. A final decision will be made at Rødt’s national meeting on the weekend of 22 April. The debate so far indicates that both positions are strong and the outcome is not certain.
