Roads closed in both southern and northern Norway on Friday – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It is important to adjust your speed according to the conditions and drive carefully and allow extra time, says traffic operator at Vegtrafikksentralen Sør, Kristin Våsjø. On Thursday, the Meteorological Institute updated the danger warning for snow from yellow to orange danger level in Agder and parts of Vestfold and Telemark. On Friday morning, most mountain passes are closed and there are demanding driving conditions on roads in several places in the country. On the E6 over the Mjøsbrua in Ringsaker, the road is closed in both directions. – Keep them at home. In several places, vegans have been closed for periods due to accidents, and while the recovery of truck trains that have had a problem has been going on. – It is mostly snowy in Vestfold and Telemark. There is snow on the road, also on the main roads, says Våsjø. The plowing crews are in full swing on E18 in the morning hours on Friday. Vegtrafikksentralen urges people on vegan roads to take it easy, show consideration for plowing crews and keep a distance from the car in front. Plow train on the E18 at Rugtvedt, Bamble, Telemark Joakim Tveit drives a plow truck at Brokelandsheia in Agder. He has been on the site since 4.00 last night and expects to continue until tonight. – It’s hectic with a lot of snow and slippery conditions, he says. Tveit has clear and unambiguous advice for people in the area. – Be patient and keep them at home. Just go out if they have to. West of Tvedestrand in Agder, on the other hand, there are snow-free roads and precipitation in the form of rain. E6 closed There have been several collisions between cars on the E6 over Mjøsbrua in Innlandet after a lorry lost a wheel in the southbound lane on Friday morning. The Mjøsbrua is now completely closed in both directions. Alternative route via F213 Lillehammer. There is a queue on the Mjøsbrua in the morning hours on Friday after several cars are said to have collided. Photo: Statens vegvesen Just before 6.00 there was an accident on the E18 near Porsgrunn, between a plow, a lorry and a car. Long queues were reported in the northbound direction. Several mountain passes may close the E16 over Filefjell is the only one of the major mountain passes in southern Norway that is open as normal. Between Austlandet and Trøndelag, Riksveg 3 above Kvikne is open. National highway 15 over Strynfjellet is also open. The Swedish Road Administration warns that there is a risk that several roads may be closed at short notice. – There are no forecasts from the mountain, but the weather rules. So if the weather permits, we will hold a column drive, says Våsjø. Closed roads and roads with convoy driving: Closed roads and roads with convoy driving: E6 is closed over Dovrefjell due to the storm, until 7. Planned convoy driving on the E39 Romarheimsdalen between Førde and Bergen. E134 Haukelifjell is closed between Haukelitunnellen and Liamyrene. On the stretch E134 Seljestad–Håra, there may be queue driving at short notice. Rev. 7 above Hardangervidda is closed to cars. There is column driving for trucks over 7.5 tonnes. Rev. 9 Hovden – Kollonekjøyring due to bad weather. Rev. 13 above Vikafjellet is closed. New assessment at 12. The mountain pass on Rv. 52 at Hemsedal is closed due to poor driving conditions. Also closed on Fv. 50 Hol–Aurland. On Fv. 52 above Hemsedalsfjellet is closed. Fv. 27 Venabygdsfjellet is closed. Fv. 450 Hunnedalsvegen is closed. Fv. 5410 Nesheimsfjellet in Vaksdal is closed. In Finnmark, there is convoy driving over Fv. 891 Båtsfjordfjellet, Fv. 890 Kongsfjordfjellet and Fv. 98 Ifjordfjellet. There is also convoy driving on the E69 Skarsvåg–Nordkapp and on Fv. 888 Bekkarfjord–Hopseidet. On the E6 above Saltfjellet, the Swedish Road Administration ensures that there are many reindeer on and along the road. You can find a full overview of closed roads at More snow in store – and rain On Friday, up to 40 centimeters of fresh snow is expected in Agder and in parts of Telemark and Vestfold. The Meteorological Institute has issued an orange danger warning for Agder and parts of Vestfold and Telemark. The police and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration warn of difficult driving conditions and ask motorists to take it easy. On the E18 from Tvedestrand and eastwards, the road is cleared. Here is the plow truck in action on the E18 at Brokelandheia in Agder. Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen / news The danger warning applies until Friday evening. Saturday brings mild weather with rain. This leads to an even bigger problem for vegans. Parts of East and West Norway have a yellow warning. There will be a lot of snow both in Southern Norway, Eastern Norway and Western Norway on Friday. Illustration: Meteorological Institute Trouble on the train line On the Bergen Railway, the current problem that occurred on Thursday evening has been resolved. Then a power failure caused the train to stand on both sides between Finse and Myrdal after a freight train tore down a catenary at Myrdal station. On Friday morning, new problems appeared on the train line, when Voss had to be closed due to a lot of snow and ice in the switches. At ten past eight the station was opened to traffic again, but both Vy and Bane Nor report that passengers must expect delays and cancellations.
