Rivals Wightman and Kerr took drastic measures – Jakob Ingebrigtsen rules from afar – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– Sit instead of standing, eat immediately after exercise, get nutrition when you’ve exhausted yourself, sleep well, don’t sit on your mobile for an hour before going to bed. That’s what Jakob Ingebrigtsen says when news asks what he does to become as good as possible – beyond training. – I’m like all other people, but maybe I try to weed out the things that can affect me negatively, whether it’s going to the store or spending energy on a lot of things. Several of the competitors have taken major steps – on and off the running track – to get better. They think it works. Ingebrigtsen does not envisage doing the same. Jake Wightman revealed before the WC gold in 2022 that he had hired help to cope better with the race. Josh Kerr said after the WC gold in 2023 that he had made great strides on the nutrition front. Now he gets help from his own chef. – It may have to do with commitment and interest. If you are particularly interested in nutrition and cooking and such, it is perhaps natural to add more to it. But I am very interested in training and what I do from the time I go to training until I go home. IMPRESSED: Jakob Ingebrigtsen served scrambled eggs to his wife, Elisabeth Asserson, when news was visiting. She mostly takes care of the cooking in the new home. Photo: Fredrik Tombra / news The Norwegian has received countless pieces of advice on the way to Olympic gold, two WC gold and two WC silver. – The most important thing is not to stress about it or see that it goes beyond the most important thing. – Don’t talk about the 23-year-old from Sandnes getting input from professionals when it comes to sleep, treatment of injuries and what kind of diet he should have. Where others have talked about big steps to improve, he is primarily concerned with what he does in the various sessions. – You only have the energy and capacity you have. If it goes beyond what one should do in training, then there is no question that one should do it. Because on the way to Olympic gold, two World Cup golds and two World Cup silvers, there are many who think a lot. He is curious, but filters out most things and only uses the best. – I am a supporter of what I know works, and what is safe and secure, as I have done before. And really likes to keep at it. Sends the brothers out first He has absolute faith in his own scheme, which he set up with his older brothers Henrik and Filip Ingebrigtsen. And rather send them into the fire when innovations or experiments are to be tested. – If I see very good results from something working with Henrik and Filip, then I can sort of, ok, consider it, smiles the 23-year-old. When Jake Wightman beat Jakob Ingebrigtsen during the WC in Eugene in 2022, the Brit revealed that he had spent a lot of time polishing the fine mechanics. Together with former sprinter Laura Turner-Alleyne, she introduced a regular sprint session into the program every week. This included, among other things, correcting posture, which should lead to a better running technique when things got tough on the run. Ingebrigtsen sees no reason to do so. – Many have tried that. There are also many Norwegians who have driven 200 meters with acceleration inside. OMG. People about it. – So it’s about getting them tired enough? – No, it’s not about that. The best runner wins. That’s how it is. Those with the most energy left at the end – win. It is the best. Then you can burn up your energy or not. – Do you want to say that you burned up your powers? – Yes, I did. Then I wasn’t the one with the most strength left with 100 meters to go. – Because you had a top speed to keep up? – Yes absolutely. Everyone in that field has a top speed that is good enough. Not everyone is able to hold on long enough. – So there’s no point in doing something like that (speed training)? – No. Then you can bet 400 meters instead. At 5000 meters or 10,000 meters for example, it is not the one with the highest top speed that wins the sprint. It is the best runner, says Ingebrigtsen. He also provides an anecdote to summarize some thoughts: – There is no conclusion on anything, but you can say with quite a lot of certainty and truth how things work. And then it’s a bit like the hen and the egg. If there is a result, it is not necessarily because a sheep cabbage for breakfast. Even if one did it every day. PS! Athletics in the Olympics in Paris 2024 will be broadcast on news from 1 to 11 August. The final of 1,500 meters will take place on 6 August, while the 5,000 meters will be decided on 10 August.
