Rita Ottervik (Ap) gives the mayoral club to Kent Ranum (H) – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

It was in October 2003 that Anne Kathrine Slungård (H) handed over the mayoral necklace to Rita Ottervik (Ap). But Rita being mayor for 20 years was not the plan in the first place. – Will you take ten more years, asked news’s ​​reporter ten years after she became mayor. – I probably won’t take another ten years. It is quite a demanding job and you spend an incredible amount of time on it. But as you know, it didn’t turn out that way. Now Rita will hand over the mayor’s necklace to Trondheim’s new mayor, Kent Ranum (H). For 20 years, Rita Ottervik has been mayor of Trondheim. Photo: Morten Andersen / news and Gorm Kallestad / NTB Several teams with the same leader Rita Ottervik has often been referred to as a bridge builder in Trondheim’s politics. For the Labor Party and Ottervik have not governed alone in the last 20 years. The first two periods were governed by Ap together with Sp, MDG and SV. In 2011, KrF also joined the team, following the Lerkendal agreement. In 2015, Ottervik was able to present a large centre-left coalition with Ap, MDG, SV, Venstre, the Pensioners’ Party, KrF and Sp. For the past four years, Ap has governed together with SV, MDG and Sp. On the very last working day as mayor in the City Hall, Rita Ottervik takes out the mayor’s necklace from the safe for the last time. – I have been able to represent the city many times with this chain both at kindergartens, during state visits and in many other important events for Trondheim. It has been a pleasure and an honour, says Rita Ottervik. – What are you going to do now? – Now I will have time off. MAYOR for 20 YEARS: Rita Ottervik (Ap) chaired her last city council meeting in Trondheim this evening. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news This is Ranum’s team Høyre will govern together with the Green Party, the Liberal Party, the Pensioners Party, the Center Party and the Christian People’s Party. Erling Moe (V) becomes deputy mayor. This week it was also announced that Berit Tiller will be the Conservative Party’s new group leader after Christianne Bauck-Larsen. – The period since the election has been educational, fun and demanding, but there has been a good atmosphere all the way and now the work begins, says Kent Ranum. – My job will be to preserve the good relations and trust that exists within the cooperation group and then we must seek a majority for our policy to the right or to the left of us on a case-by-case basis, says Ranum. NEW TEAM: These are the people who will govern Trondheim for the next four years; Høyre, MdG, Venstre, Pensioners’ Party, Sp and KrF. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Introduces parliamentarism Tonight the city council decided to introduce a parliamentary system of governance. This means that the city will have a city government within the next four years. Trondheim municipality thus gets a city council with a city council leader like Oslo and Bergen have. The city council takes over the management of the municipality’s administration. Sp, KrF and the Pensioners’ Party initially disagreed with the introduction of parliamentarism, but nevertheless agreed to this in the collective bargaining agreement that has been negotiated. – This is one of our camels. We’ve taken one for the team here. But I think we have found good models so that we can make this happen, said Majen Sævik (KrF) at the end of September. Rita Ottervik was dismissed after 20 years and close to 175,000 hours as mayor of Trondheim. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news
