Risking billions fines for green investments – news Vestland

– It is alarming if the state does not cover the cost, says county mayor in Vestland Jon Askeland. Vestland county has gone to great lengths to get environmentally friendly speedboats in the Norwegian fjords and has already put out tenders for four electric speedboats that will run between Bergen and old Sogn og Fjordane. The additional costs for investment and operation of the boats will amount to NOK 1.5 billion over 15 years. In addition, there will be a one-off cost of 200 million kroner for charging infrastructure, according to figures from Vestland County Council. Vestland is in danger of having to pay that cost themselves because they are out too early. The requirement for zero-emission speedboats will not come until 2025. The seriousness of the matter sank in for the county politicians in Vestland this week. They are in danger of having to pay the extra costs themselves of replacing diesel-powered fast boats with emission-free ones. Photo: Bård Siem / news Today there are around 200 speedboats in operation in Norway, which pollute nine times more than passenger cars and four times more than airplanes for each transport kilometre. According to an investigation by Menon, it is estimated that county councils will receive an additional bill of around NOK 950 million to NOK 2.3 billion a year for converting to electric fast boats. Problem in several county municipalities Møre and Romsdal stand shoulder to shoulder with Vestland’s demand that the state compensates. There they have spent NOK 750 million on the green switch to electric ferries, which the state has not compensated. – It is completely wrong that the State first encourages us to contribute to the green shift through wording in plans, and when the bill has to be paid, the county is left alone if we leave early, says county mayor in Møre and Romsdal Anders Riise. They are going to put electric speedboats out to tender in 2024 and believe it is urgent that the state come up with the framework conditions for financing. The transition to electric fast boats could turn into a financial nightmare for several county councils. Photo: Johan Mihle Laugaland / news In Norland, too, they fear that the state will not pay the additional costs of NOK 1.5-2 billion in the conversion to electric fast boats. – The way it looks now, it doesn’t look like we will get compensation. It is difficult to see that this does not extend to other cuts, says deputy head of the county council in Norland, Marianne Dobak Kvensjøen. – Should withdraw the contracts Both Høgre and Frp believe Vestland county should postpone the process of getting electric fast boats on the sea if the state does not cover the additional expenses. – We are dependent on the state paying us out as early as possible, says Silja Ekeland Bjørkly, group leader for Høgre’s county council group. Sigbjørn Framnes in Vestland FRP does not believe the politicians in the Storting will find the money to cover the additional costs. He fears the extra costs for emission-free fast boats will affect the operation of secondary schools and county roads. – Being first in this “environmental race” is not necessarily wise, says Framnes. The Ministry of Transport proposes that the requirement cannot be made applicable to acquisitions that have been announced before the regulatory requirement comes into force. This is how the Ministry of Transport and Communications responds – Will the state cover all the extra costs (both investment and operation) with the introduction of emission-free ferries and fast boats? “From the consultation note it appears that county councils that announce acquisitions after the regulation has come into force will be compensated, if necessary. additional costs resulting from the claim. Compensation to the county councils as a result of the requirement will be assessed in the annual budget processes.” – Vestland county council is now working on phasing in new emission-free fast boats in the connection Bergen-Sogn-Nordfjord. That is, before the national requirement which is 2025. Will this affect Vestland’s opportunities to receive compensation from the state? “The consultation document itself concerns the introduction of a general requirement for ferries and speedboats and it is proposed that the requirement not be applied to acquisitions that have been announced before the regulatory requirement comes into force. Otherwise, if compensation to the county municipalities related to the use of zero-emission ferries and fast boats had to be assessed in connection with the national budget.” Risking a lawsuit Earlier, Vestland County Council was punished for setting the list too low when the state refused to sponsor charging points for fast boats. Now they risk the state turning their backs because they are out too early. But it is not just about pulling the handbrake for Vestland County Municipality. – The public sector must be an orderly actor and if we break the driving rules, we risk KOFA (Complaint Board for Public Procurement) imposing a fee of several million kroner on us, says county mayor Jon Askeland. In addition, the actors who have drawn up the tender can sue the county council. – The train has left, says Askeland. The presentation states: Flying foil with partners Brødrene Aa, NTNU and Westcon are developing one of the world’s most advanced foil designs to cut energy consumption and improve the stability of the fast boats. The presentation states: Selfa with its partners Norled, Servogear, Hyon and LMG Marin will revolutionize the speed boat market and is thinking completely new on all points. Brand new hull, new foils, low energy consumption and a new travel experience are key words. In the presentation it says: Brødrene Aa with partners Westcon and Boreal are trying, based on the best in catamaran hulls, to make conventional speedboats emission-free. In the presentation it says: Transport development with Siv.ing. Ola Lilloe-Olsen, Stadt Towing tank, Profjord, Siemens and FosenNamsos Sjø on the team looks at the possibilities when conventional fuel is replaced with new energy carriers. The presentation states: With its partners Fjellstrand, Bleie Consult and Echandia Marine, Rødne will create a concept which is as simple as it is ingenious. Should they succeed, they will potentially have created a technology that will require completely new thinking. Marthe Hammer (SV) is shocked by the signal from the ministry. – The Minister for Transport and the government must change this as soon as possible. It is completely unacceptable that Vestland, which is out the earliest, is punished financially, she says. Hammer will contact the SV bench in the Storting to ask questions to the minister. The hope that the state will turn around The county council now has one last hope that the state will take part of the bill. Although they are out early, the four electric speedboats will not be on the sea until 2026. That is, the year after the requirement for zero-emission speedboats must apply in all tenders. – When we see these boats in operation after they have made the claim, we will get compensation. Anything else would be directly sensational, says Askeland.
