Riots in Sweden after Koran burning – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

There have been confrontations between the police and a group of 50-100 people in Malmö in Sweden. – There has been stone throwing at police officers and police cars. That’s what Tommy Bengtsson, on duty in the police region South, says, according to Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. The riots occur after a Koran was burned in the Malmö suburb of Rosengård on Sunday afternoon. Shortly after midnight, the police called the events violent riots. – I would not be a police or fireman in that area, says the Danish photographer Mathias Øgendal to news. He found himself in the middle of the chaos on Monday night. The temperature was high in Malmö in Sweden on the night of Monday. The riots came after the burning of the Koran on Sunday afternoon. Photo: TT NYHETSBYRÅN Twenty car fires Four homes have lost power, and a garage and a rubbish bin have been set on fire in the riots. On the night of Monday, around twenty cars were set on fire. The first reports of car fires came at 10pm on Sunday evening, according to Expressen. – When I got to Rosengård there were between 15-20 cars on fire, and an incredible commotion in the square. There were 2-300 people, many of them masked, who threw stones at the police and overturned cars, says Øgendal. Watch video Øgendal took off the riots in the video at the top of the case. – When the situation had calmed down, the fire brigade also arrived and started the extinguishing work. It has not been confirmed that the riots have a direct connection with the Koran burning. – It is reasonable to believe that there is a link, but it is not something we can establish yet, says Evelina Olsson, spokesperson for the police, to Aftonbladet. Riots earlier Sunday Photographer Øgendal was himself confronted when he documented the destruction in Rosengård. – It didn’t feel safe to walk around you. I was also confronted several times by someone who wanted to know why I was walking around their area and taking photographs, he says. There were also riots earlier on Sunday in connection with another Koran burning. Around a hundred people then turned up to protest against Salwan Momika. He burned a copy of the Koran in the district of Värnhem, writes NTB. Earlier on Sunday, Salwan Momika lit a Koran in Värnhem. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT / NTB The atmosphere was heated, and several angry demonstrators tried to get past the police barriers. According to a photographer from the Swedish news agency TT, stones and bottles were thrown at Momika. After around 45 minutes, he stopped the action and was driven away in a police car. Three people were arrested, and another dozen were taken care of by the police when Momika and another man kicked the Koran between them and set it on fire. Violence was also used against the police during the arrests.
