Right whale stranded in Bamble – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

A minke whale is stranded in Bamble. The Directorate of Fisheries has been at the site since Wednesday evening. – The whale has been euthanized for animal welfare reasons. It was not possible to save it, says press contact at the Directorate of Fisheries, Olav Lekre. It is not clear what caused the whale to swim ashore. – It happens from time to time that whales strand. In some cases it is possible to save them, but in this case the chances were high that it would not survive a rescue attempt, says Lekve. The whale was exhausted and tired, and a decision was made in consultation with a veterinarian that it was best to kill it, he says. The minke whale is found in all the world’s oceans and is the smallest of the baleen whales in the fin whale group, writes the Institute of Marine Research. They can be up to 10 meters long. Lekve says that it is perhaps not so common to have a stranded whale in this area. – In the north and on the west coast, it occasionally appears that whales strand for various reasons.
