Right side against walsiger in Sweden – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Monday morning, there was a narrow majority to the right with one mandate. But after the late advance votes and the votes cast abroad have been counted, the blue side has increased its lead, so that they now have three more mandates than the red-green bloc. The Social Democrats became Sweden’s largest party in the election, but they still did not receive enough mandates to continue to govern. The Sweden Democrats became the second largest party, and advanced strongly in the election. Ulf Kristersson (M) will therefore probably be given the task of forming a new government. Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) and her government called a press conference on Wednesday evening. There she first went through what they have achieved, and what challenges lie ahead for the government that will govern Sweden in the future. – Tomorrow I will admit defeat and step down as Prime Minister, she said. Andersson says she will hire a transitional government until a new government is in place.
