Review: Maskorama 19 November – song by song – Reviews and recommendations

The day is here! The evening is here! Silje Nordnes is here! The stage is set for the finale in the autumn edition of Maskorama! The wolf, the zombie and the rabble-rouser remain when we go out for a final masked party, and many feel sure that they have guessed the right celebrity for the right mask. For example, Daniel Kvammen is the favorite to hide inside the Wolf, while Rabagasten has had to find himself in a sunny Pølsa stamp in recent weeks. In my eyes, the final is almost decided already – I will be very surprised if the Zombie does not both win and turn out to be Bilal Saab. But I mean nothing – it’s you at home who will vote for the winner of Maskorama 2022, so be sure to tune in to tonight’s final! WATCH AND READ: Video and reviews from episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, episode 4 and episode 5.
