Responds to the fact that Russian seafarers can travel freely over large parts of Troms without a visa – news Troms and Finnmark

– If the Russian vessels are docked in Tromsø, Russian sailors can stay in Tromsø municipality and neighboring municipalities to Tromsø, says Kenneth Henriksen, who heads the section for border control in Troms police district, to news. In October, the government decided that Russian fishing vessels are only allowed to call at three Norwegian ports; Tromsø, Båtsfjord and Kirkenes. From before, the chief of police in Finnmark had refused to move Russian sailors out of the harbor areas when Russian vessels are in port. At the end of April, this area was further restricted. Russian sailors can therefore only move in an even smaller part of the port area in Kirkenes and Båtsfjord. In Finnmark, Russian seafarers can only stay in the immediate vicinity of the ports. In Tromsø, seafarers can travel visa-free in the entire Tromsø region, for three months at a time, as long as the vessel is in port. In Tromsø harbour, two Russian trawlers have been docked for several months. While the vessels have been docked, crews from the trawlers have had the opportunity to travel over large parts of Troms. They can stay in Norway for three months at a time without a visa. The police in Troms have set up a working group which will now assess the land law in Tromsø. That’s what Kenneth Henriksen at the Troms police district says. Photo: Eskild Johansen / news – Can be exploited by Russian intelligence Previously, the news Brennpunkt documentary “The Shadow War” revealed that Russian trawlers may have been used in intelligence activities for Russia. In the Tromsø area, where Russian sailors can travel legally without a visa, there are a number of Norwegian military installations. In March, the military exercise “Joint Viking” was carried out, with 20,000 Norwegian and allied soldiers. The exercise took place in areas that partially overlap the municipalities where foreign seafarers can stay. Tom Røseth is head teacher of intelligence at the Norwegian Defense College. He fears Russian intelligence may have exploited the scheme to monitor the military in Troms. – The way the Land Act has been practiced in Tromsø, it has been very liberal. It can be described as an erosion of the Schengen agreement and can be exploited by Russian intelligence. Tom Røseth is head teacher of intelligence at the Norwegian Defense College. Photo: Trygve Heide / news He believes the Norwegian authorities must accept that the situation between Norway and Russia has changed. – In recent years, it has become more important for Russia to map our defense capabilities, Røseth points out. Amundsen: – Hard to understand Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp) is head of the justice committee in the Storting. He believes it is not understandable that the rules are enforced differently in Troms and Finnmark. – It is important to safeguard national interests. We are in a critical situation internationally, Amundsen points out. Per-Willy Amundsen, head of the justice committee at the Storting, asks the police chief in Troms to restrict the freedom of movement of Russian seamen on land law. Photo: Martin Mortensen / news Amundsen believes it is difficult to understand that the police chief in Troms has not landed on the same assessment as the police chief in Finnmark. – Based on the picture I am familiar with, there is every reason to take all the precautions we can. Elvestuen: – Close the ports Ola Elvestuen is a parliamentary representative for the Liberal Party. He has previously advocated closing the remaining fishing ports in Norway to Russian fishing vessels. – Now news has shown that Russian intelligence uses fishing vessels for intelligence. Then, as a minimum, the same rules should also be implemented in Tromsø, as in Finnmark. Ola Elvestuen (V) will close the remaining ports to Russian vessels. Photo: Peder Martin Bergholt / news Elvestuen believes that Norwegian ports should be closed to Russian vessels. – Then we shield other seafarers from stricter restrictions, he believes. In Båtsfjord, the chief of police in Finnmark has also restricted the movement of Russian sailors who are docked in the municipality. Photo: Ingrid Lunde / Ingrid Lunde In May, the chief of police in Finnmark restricted the movement of Russian sailors to the immediate area around Kirkenes havn in Sør-Varanger municipality. Photo: Finnmark Police District Finnmark: Only in the harbor area The chief of police in the various police districts decides where seafarers can travel without a visa. In a press release last week, the police chief in Finnmark, Ellen Kathrine Hætta, said the restriction also takes into account the needs of Russian seafarers: – At the same time, it has been important to balance this with the police’s need to be able to control foreigners’ access to the kingdom in a good way. She believes that the situation in Europe increases the need for control in Norwegian ports: – Narrowing the land law area is also a measure in this context, said Hætta. Astrid Nilsen has been police chief in Troms since 2021. Only now is she announcing restrictions on land law rules for seafarers outside the EEA area. Photo: Pål Hansen / news Troms: – There will be restrictions Police chief in Troms Astrid Elisabeth Nilsen tells news that she follows the security political situation closely, in cooperation with PST. – There will be restrictions here in Troms as well. Exactly how and how much we haven’t decided yet, says Nilsen. She emphasizes that restrictions on land law will affect seafarers from all countries that are not covered by the EEA agreement. – I have asked to have an assessment ready by 1 June. I will make a quick decision after that, she concludes.
