Responding to a Facebook post from a hospital employee in Flekkefjord – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– When you are a nurse you should breathe with your stomach before you post something like this, says Hans Viktor Landøy (52). Last week, news told the story of Landøy, who in 2016 had cancer cells spread throughout her abdomen. It happened when the surgeon Jerlan Omarchanov, who has injured dozens of patients in Kristiansand and Flekkefjord, decided to operate on the tumor in his stomach. Despite the fact that it has been decided that such interventions are to be operated on by specialists in Kristiansand and not at a small local hospital. On the same day that Landøy’s story was published, a nurse at Flekkefjord Hospital shared a post on her own Facebook page in which she called cancer patient Hans Viktor’s death sentence a “shit story”. “Hersen’s news Sørlandet, which has clearly decided to serve at least 1 to 2 old crap stories about Flekkefjord hospital every week,” the post said. Photo: Screenshot Facebook Was written in irritation Landøy, who receives treatment for cancer in Flekkefjord, believes the Facebook post is terribly selfish. – People who write like this don’t think about the patients in any case. They think only of themselves. He believes the post shows that many people are unable to distinguish between a case and fear of the hospital’s closure. – I don’t expect that this is good for those who work there. Then they must have a colossal problem. Employees must tolerate what comes to light without interpreting it as a violent attack. news has spoken to the person who wrote the post. Hen says it was published in “a moment of irritation”. – We are constantly hit by negative reviews. It goes beyond the patients who want to go to Flekkefjord. The person says that he chose to remove the post eventually. It lay outside for 12–13 hours. – I thought it was best to take it away since it was about people and could easily be misunderstood. news has seen several similar statements on Facebook from employees at Flekkefjord Hospital this week. All are related to Landøy’s history. Patient ombud: – Only sad Patient ombud in Agder Hanne Damsgaard believes it is “incomprehensible” that healthcare personnel go public and call Landøy’s patient history a crap story. – The failure Landøy was exposed to gave him far worse forecasts for survival. That health personnel make the bad situation even more difficult for him is just sad, says Damsgaard. – Should this have consequences for the employee? – Yes, I hope this will be followed up by the hospital. There should be a spinal cord reflex in healthcare personnel that they do not approach patients in this way. Damsgaard says the Patient Ombudsman often receives inquiries from people who are afraid to complain and speak up. She points out that such a statement as the nurse made does not help to reduce the fear of complaints. – We should all give a big thank you to Landøy who has actually spoken out and shown what consequences this case has had. Hanne Damsgaard is a patient and user representative in Agder. She says such Facebook posts can make it more difficult for patients to complain. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Hospital director: – Not good Hospital director at Flekkefjord hospital Øystein Evjen Olsen thinks the post expresses frustration. – I think that this is not how we as healthcare personnel should appear. – That is not okay? – No, it is not right and I am not defending it, but if we are to try to understand it, it is about the fact that it has been a difficult time for employees who have been in a constant media situation for four years. – The patient representative believes this should have consequences for the employee. What do you think about it? – We are supporters of openness, and our employees have freedom of expression. The person has expressed his frustration to news. Olsen says that employees must also be aware of how their speech can be understood. – This employee has done that, and has removed the post. Hospital director Øystein Evjen Olsen at Flekkefjord Hospital says all the negative media coverage in recent years has been demanding for the employees. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Got many reactions The employee who posted the post tells news that he wrote it as a private person. She was not aware that Landøy receives treatment at Flekkefjord Hospital. – It had nothing to do with his story, but just the straw that made the cup run over. The post was not out for many hours and received surprisingly little engagement as well. Hans Viktor Landøy says he does not allow himself to be affected by the post because it seems “unintelligent”. He points out that he has nothing personally against the hospital in Flekkefjord. – Quite the contrary. This is about a management problem. The 52-year-old himself has received numerous reactions after he told his story. – I get a lot of feedback from old colleagues and acquaintances who are completely shocked. They say it is such a shocking read that they cannot fathom it. Not the first time This is not the first time that patients have been examined in a comment field in Flekkefjord. In 2019, Finn Åge Olsen told the story of how incorrect treatment at the hospital there ended with him having to amputate his leg. Following news’s ​​articles about the hospital, a flower campaign was organized at the hospital. Olsen then stated that he thought it strange that the hospital received flowers, but not the patients who had been mistreated. As a reaction to Olsen’s statement, a private person wrote in a comment field on Facebook that he also could not remember that Quisling received flowers. Photo: Screenshot Facebook
