Research shows that more than one in three young people have taken time off from work due to stress or anxiety – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– When you say you are at home because of mental health, questions arise. If you say you have a fever, you don’t need any justification. 23-year-old Aurora Wallumrød is not surprised by the findings of a new youth survey. It shows that over one in three between the ages of 18-39 have taken sick leave due to stress or anxiety. The majority do not dare to disclose this to their employer. Instead, they state another reason for the sick leave. Aurora is studying TV management in her second year at Høgskolen i Innlandet. She will soon be entering the working world, and hopes that there is room for openness about mental health in the workplace she will go to. Afraid of being labeled as lazy 35 per cent aged 18-39 have taken time off work due to stress or anxiety. Some more than this state that they would not feel comfortable talking openly with their immediate manager about feeling stressed, anxious or about other mental health challenges. This is shown by a global survey with over 23,000 respondents conducted by the competence house Deloitte. Aurora knows several people her age who have stayed home from school and work because of their mental health, but who have given a different reason to their immediate supervisor. – I know people who do it for various reasons. Some have personal problems at home. For others, it is that the sum of things is too much, she says. NOT LAZINESS: – You have those who are in favor of focusing on mental health, you also have those who think it is laziness, or who talk negatively about mental health. I think many people are afraid of ending up in that booth, says the student. Photo: Mette Vollan / news She believes that in many cases it is about young adults being afraid of being labeled as lazy or unwilling to work. – I don’t know anyone my age who stays at home because they are really just lazy. I think it might be a good idea to take a day off if you’re not feeling well. But if it becomes a problem over time, then you need help. Still taboo Cecilia Flatum is a manager at Deloitte. She says that some of the reasons for young adults’ concerns are the cost of living and work pressure. – The survey shows that they want a balance between work and private life. More than half say that work pressure is one of the reasons why they are tired. They say they want more focus on mental health. SAFE ROOM: Cecilia Flatum is head of Consulting at Deloitte and winner of ODA’s diversity award 2022. She herself has worked extensively on creating safe spaces in the workplace. – I feel an extra responsibility for our younger employees, and emphasize a lot of openness, she says. Photo: Nadia Faris / Deloitte Flautum says that young adults are open about mental health with each other, but that the results of the survey show that the topic is still taboo to talk about openly. – There are several measures by employers regarding mental health, but many companies are unable to create safe enough spaces. Maybe everyone doesn’t have the openness we should have, she says. Have you been absent from work due to psychological reasons? Yes. The boss has also been aware of this Yes, but has given another reason to the boss No, never Show result Thinks the employer should dare to ask Every year sickness absence costs Norwegian society NOK 69.6 billion, according to Statistics Norway. Danielle Wright is a psychologist specialist at the mental health and work outpatient clinic at Diakonhjemmet Hospital. She says it is good for our mental health to maintain routines, as well as getting our minds off other things. – For the vast majority of people, it is good for their health to be at work, even on days when it can be demanding due to psychological problems. Nevertheless, it is important that you should not push yourself unnecessarily over a long period of time, and that if you experience that the problems persist or worsen, then you should seek help, she says. Need someone to talk to? If you need someone to talk to, you can use one of these low-threshold services: Church SOS: Call 22 40 00 40, or write to or The Red Cross’s service Cross on the neck is for you under 18 years. Telephone: 800 333 21. Write or chat on the website Mental Health Helpline: Call 116 123 or write to Parental support: Call 116 123 (key 2) Student telephone: Call 116 123 (key 3) Mental Health Youth . Aimed at young adults aged 18-36. Online chat service Monday to Friday from 18.00-21.00: The emergency telephone for children and young people. A free phone for children and young people who are exposed to violence, abuse and neglect. Telephone 116 111. Acute risk of suicide? Call 113 when it is urgent and your life is at stake. Call the emergency room on tel. 116117 for immediate assistance. You can also talk to your GP. Wright often meets patients who do not state why they are away from work. – It is easier to say that you have a backache or that you have a cold, than to say that you have anxiety. She says some people are afraid of how they appear if they are open about their mental problems to the boss. – We notice that it has become more common to be able to talk about it, but there is probably still a certain stigma attached to it. Many are afraid that they may appear weak – or give the impression that they are not the right person for the job. GI ROM: – I think as an employer you can be better at daring to ask if things are going well, says psychologist Danielle Wright. Photo: Private Wright says that employees do not necessarily always need to be open about their mental health problems. She still believes that it is important to have an open dialogue in the workplace, and that managers facilitate this. – If you notice that someone is missing or that it doesn’t seem like they are doing quite well, then as a manager you should have the courage to say that “it looks like you’ve had a bit of a hard time lately. Is there anything we can help you with so that it will be easier for you to be here?”. – But my experience is that most people who choose to say something are welcomed, she adds.
