Republicans fly migrants to rich Democrats’ resort – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Martha’s Vineyard is an island off the state of Massachusetts, in the northeast of the United States. It is a well-known holiday paradise for wealthy Americans on the political left. Among those who vacation here are former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. They bought a house on the island in 2019 at a price well over NOK 100 million. In the summer, the island is a little paradise where the rich and famous in American society mingle. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Photo: Luis Santana / AP Sent two planes with migrants On Wednesday of this week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent two chartered planes to Martha’s Vineyard. In the planes were about 50 migrants who had come to the United States, mainly from Venezuela. Two months before the congressional elections, Republicans are trying to make immigration a campaign issue. Florida’s state assembly has set aside 12 million dollars – just over NOK 120 million – to transport illegal immigrants to other parts of the United States. Many of the democratically governed cities and local communities are so-called “sanctuary cities” – cities where the political leadership instructs the police and judiciary not to prosecute people just because they are illegal immigrants. DeSantis’ communications manager Taryn Fenske says openly that the move is to “transport illegal immigrants to safe cities”. – States such as Massachusetts, New York and California can better take care of these people, whom they have invited into the country by giving incentives to illegal immigration by calling themselves ‘sanctuary states’ and supporting President Joe Biden’s policy of open borders, says Finnish. A group of migrants, most of them from Venezuela, outside the official residence of Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington DC. Photo: MARAT SADANA / Reuters Thousands sent from Texas The Republican governors of Texas, Greg Abbott, and Arizona, Anthony Ducey, have in recent months sent several thousand migrants to places where the Democrats are strong. Last Thursday, the Texas governor sent two busloads of migrants to the residence of Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington DC. They only had plastic bags with a few possessions that they had taken with them across the border, according to AP. – We are sending migrants to her backyard to ask the Biden administration to do its job and secure the border, writes Abbott on Twitter. Democratic-governed cities such as New York and Chicago have also received thousands of migrants. A migrant is transported from the airport on Martha’s Vineyard immediately after landing. Photo: Ray Ewing / AP Say they were tricked into getting on the plane It is unclear whether it is illegal for the authorities in one state to send migrants to another location, writes the New York Times. Lawyers who speak out seem to agree that the migrants must at least have left voluntarily. The migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard had recently arrived in the United States from Venezuela. They tell Reuters that they were at a refugee reception in San Antonio in Texas when they were contacted by a woman who called herself “Perla”. According to the Venezuelans, she persuaded them to board the plane by saying it was going to Boston. They were to get a place to live and work there for three months, they say. Strong reactions Both the Biden administration and other democratic politicians are reacting strongly to what has happened. – The use of migrants as political pawns in the debate on illegal immigration ahead of the mid-term elections in November is a political stunt. It is also cruel and shameful, said press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre at the White House on Thursday. Bill Keating, who is a congressman from Massachusetts accused the Florida governor of exploiting human suffering for political reasons. – History does not look kindly on leaders who treat people like things, load them up and send them thousands of kilometers without telling them where they are going, writes Keating on Twitter. Seeking re-election Texas Governor Greg Abbott is hoping to be re-elected in November. Photo: MARCO BELLO / Reuters Both DeSantis in Florida and Abbott in Texas are seeking re-election as governors in the November 8 election. Both are doing well in the opinion polls, but are not considered certain to be re-elected. After the Supreme Court of the United States in June opened the door for states to ban abortion, Republican candidates have lost support. If the two governors succeed in shifting the focus of the election campaign from abortion to immigration, we will probably find out on the night of 9 November.
