Reports of mass shooting in Los Angeles suburb – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The shooting must have happened in Monterey Park shortly after 10.30pm Saturday – 7.30am Sunday Norwegian time – reports BNO News. The first reports are that several people have been shot and that several of them are dead. The news website says there has so far been no official confirmation of any specific figures. The LA Times has been in contact with the local police who have received several reports of more victims after the shooting. Photos and videos on social media also show a large presence of police and other emergency services. The injured are now being taken to several hospitals in the area, but there are currently few details about how many may be injured or killed. Two witnesses have said they heard gunfire. The witnesses initially thought it was fireworks in connection with the Chinese New Year, which is celebrated in the area and which has gathered large crowds. According to the BBC, this year is the first time in the US that Chinese New Year has been made an official holiday.
