Reports of heavy bangs in Kyiv – Latest news – news

19 December 2022 at 04:22 Reports of powerful explosions in Kyiv Two powerful explosions have been reported in central Kyiv on the night of Monday 19 December, the online newspaper The Kyiv Independent reports. Eyewitnesses also told Reuters that several loud bangs could be heard in and around Kyiv early Monday morning, NTB reports. Aircraft alarms went off when the explosions were heard. The governor of the Kyiv region, Olesiy Kuleba, wrote shortly before the explosions on Telegram that the anti-aircraft sirens went off due to a Russian attack. Nine Kamikaze drones were also reportedly shot down in the attack, according to Kyiv’s military administration on Telegram. The Iranian-made drones are often referred to as kamikaze drones because they crash into the target instead of firing weapons and then returning, writes NTB. Residents were asked to stay in shelters while the attacks are ongoing. The information has not been confirmed by independent sources.
