Report pointed out weaknesses, but Folloban opened anyway – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In space Christmas, it became clear that the prestigious project Follobanen has serious problems, and must be closed until further notice. On Thursday, Bane Nor CEO Gorm Frimannslund and executive director Stine Undrum have called a press conference on the status of the work to uncover and correct errors on the Follobanen. – We are in a very serious situation, says Frimannslund. On both 20 December and 23 December, a junction box caught fire in Ski. A fault with the return current and grounding system is the reason why the track has to be closed. Bane Nor wanted an additional assessment of the solution last year, and received a report in October from the consultancy company Norconsult which pointed out weaknesses. But Bane Nor boss Gorm Frimannslund says no one told him about the risk before the track was opened on 11 December. The board: should have known about weakness Bane Nor’s chairman, Cato Hellesjø, says he became aware of the report on Tuesday this week. He believes that information about the risk should not only reach the CEO, but also the board. – It is an important factor in connection with the quality, in order to keep the Folloban up. Therefore, the board and administration should naturally be aware of this. We want to know all uncertainty and risk, Hellesjø told news on Wednesday. Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) wants an external review of the case. – Information has come to light that worries me. There has been uncertainty about the chosen solution in terms of return current and grounding, he said on Tuesday. The railway cost NOK 36.8 billion and took 13 years to build.
