Report of shots fired at a car and apartment in Oslo – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

A car and an apartment are said to have been shot at late on Tuesday evening. A dark station wagon is said to have left the scene a short time later. No one is said to have been hit by the shots. – It has been reported that two shots have been fired at the scene. Traces at the scene indicate that shots were fired at a car and at an apartment. The police currently have no information about the background to the incident, writes operations manager Per Ivar Iversen, in a message to the press. The police carried out investigations at the scene during the night until Wednesday Photo: CHETAN RASTOGI / news The police will not yet disclose where in the district of Søndre Nordstrand the shooting took place, but news knows the address. – Our assessment is that the incident does not cause any danger to outsiders, the police write further. The district includes places such as Holmlia, Mortensrud, Klemetsrud and Bjørndal.
