Replaced drugs with bicycles

– I got to a point where I had a couple of overdoses, with almost fatal consequences, where I finally realized, with the help of support from friends, family and a lawyer, that it might be wisest for me to get help. That was the start of the battle out of the intoxication. This weekend he takes part in one of Norway’s toughest bike races, Offroad Finnmark. The cycling website characterizes the race as the hardest in the country. He applied to Finnmarkskollektivet, a treatment service for drug addicts outside Alta. There he regained his interest in getting on the bike. With previous experience from downhill and trail cycling, the new trips by bike were a reminder of how good it was for the team to use their bodies on the bike. – When I cycle and do extreme sports, I block out all the 24 hours a day. Now it just remains to be seen how it will turn out on such long stages. Faune Bilde Jørgensen says that the bicycle helps to block the train of thought. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news Jørgensen has had the Finnmark collective and Idretten Skaper chances at his back leading up to the race. According to the plan, he was supposed to ride the ride with others, but now he can manage on his own. As a result, the race was also adjusted down from 300 to 150 kilometres. – My teammates dropped out. One did not get time off work and the other has injured his back. Since you can’t cycle 300 alone, I had to be moved down to 150. – About carrying out General manager of Offroad Finnmark, Kjetil Johansen says that the cycle race is about coping, emotions and overcoming challenges. – It’s simply about carrying out, and feeling the feeling of mastery that it actually is. It is described by the participants as enormous. He believes that many of the participants experience something that they can take with them further in life after taking part in the race. – We all face resistance in life, and if you take that as a starting point, you have to practice coping with resistance. Offroad Finnmark is a safe arena to practice resistance and tackle downhills. Kjetil Johansen, general manager of Offroad Finnmark, says that many people experience a sense of mastery during Offroad Finnmark. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news – When you give up, you no longer have the opportunity to succeed in your goal. Johansen believes Offroad Finnmark can mean a lot to someone with a background like Jørgensen’s. – It is a job that gives mastery and a good feeling. When you are out in nature, things happen to your brain and body that, in sum, are very positive. He believes that the combination of this and physical activity is the recipe for giving life content. – We have probably all experienced that life did not go as planned, and when you have been a drug addict for years, you have probably spent your time and resources on it. If you want to change that life, you must necessarily come up with something else, says Johansen. Physical activity good for the psyche Psychologist specialist Kari Lossius has worked with addiction and addiction challenges for over thirty years. She does the interview with news at the same time as she is out for a jog. – If you have good mental health, there is a high probability that you are more able to take care of your body and physical health. She says that this also works the other way around, with good physical health usually having fewer psychological problems. – There is a very clear connection. Physical and mental health are linked. Lossius says that she has been involved in using physical activity as part of therapy, just like any other therapy. – We saw that this had good results. There is something about the fact that if you have had a drug challenge in your life and you feel unsettled and that things are difficult, one of the best remedies is to move. Psychological specialist Kari Lossius says that physical activity can help everyone with their psyche. Photo: Siri Løken / news – The effect is that it makes you calm and it’s very good for you. Not just for people with substance abuse problems, but for everyone. She says that with exercise, the body releases happy hormones and you get a feeling that you have done something good, also for the body. – Many people who have had a drug challenge, and have previously hunted for the good drug, can replace this with physical activity. She believes that participating in a race such as Offroad Finnmark can help to strengthen the feeling of mastery. Lossius says that when you have experienced something stressful or difficult and have done everything to get through it, you are left with a feeling that is worth a lot. – For many people who have previously had a drug challenge, what they have struggled with is that they have not been able to master it, then suddenly they manage it. They run marathons, drive off-road, and they do it brilliantly, says Lossius. Going to carry out Now Jørgensen is looking forward to a bloodbath on the bike from start to finish. – I enjoy riding the bike. It must be said that I have not cycled such long distances on a mountain bike, at least in one. It will be exciting to see. Before long, he will be able to cycle over the finish line after 150 kilometres. – Carrying out is a realistic goal that I have set myself and I am determined on, so that is the motivation. Faune Bilde Jørgensen is participating in Offroad Finnmark for the first time. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news He is happy that he has had his employer and the other supporters with him in the tough race. – Thanks to those who have stood behind me and supported me. Æventyr Opplevelser and the Finnmark collective and Idretten create chances of course. It has been decisive for me to have succeeded, that I have them.
