Reopens E6 in North Troms already on Wednesday – news Troms and Finnmark

In recent days, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, together with private contractors, has been working hard to build a temporary bridge over the Badderelva in North Troms. Initially, the Public Roads Administration said that the work would take up to 14 days, but on Sunday half the bridge was already in place. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration now confirms that the road will be reopened to traffic as early as Wednesday. E6 has been closed since Tuesday night, after the original bridge collapsed. The cause of the use collapse has so far not been determined. Neither lorries, buses nor cars have been able to cross the river. The detour is almost 700 kilometers, via Finland, a stretch corresponding to the distance between Oslo and Namsos. Major consequences – Internally, we have planned to carry out the job within a week, but there is demanding logistics and a lot that needs to be done. In addition, it was uncertain how the existing bridge would behave, says Gunnar Haugen, responsible for bridge preparedness in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has, until now, been careful about setting a specific date for reopening the road, he says. – We know that the road breach has major consequences for both the local population and the transport industry. Therefore, we have been careful to create expectations that we could not be sure to meet. 50 meters long On Wednesday, the detour will end, because then the temporary bridge will be opened to traffic. The temporary bridge will be 50 meters long, and will be completed during Monday. The bridge is a single-lane bridge and must be regulated by means of yielding signs. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration states that the temporary bridge has the same safety requirements as permanent bridges on the road network. – If there are no unforeseen problems, we are ready to carry out the last tests on Wednesday, Haugen says. Live camera showing the bridge over the E6 in Badderen in Kvænangen municipality in North Troms.
