Released whales in Troms – news Troms and Finnmark

20 January 2023 at 09:25 Whale released in Troms The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries’ marine service released a young minke whale at Rebbenesøy in Troms on Thursday. The directorate writes that the whale had become entangled in a mooring in the Bromnes area. After receiving a message from several quarters, they headed for the ferry dock on the spot, which is an hour outside Tromsø. According to the directorate, the whale would probably have drowned and died without help. In Norway, it is the Directorate of Fisheries and the Coast Guard that are trained to solve such tasks. The whale was freed after a short time and was able to swim away. According to the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, more and more fishermen have caught larger whales in their nets in recent years. Researchers are working to develop solutions to the problem.
