Relative of the deceased:- We were very worried – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The Norwegian woman in her 60s was found dead in a freezer, where she had probably been lying for several years. Swedish police believe that she was placed there sometime after September 2018. But the police say they have not set a date for when they suspect the murder may have occurred. Now a relative of the deceased woman tells news that close family were very worried about her. Therefore, in the summer of 2019, they went over to the house in Sweden to find out what had happened. – Neighbors said they hadn’t seen her for a year. The family then met the roommate who has now been charged. He is said to have said that the deceased was out walking the dog, the relative told news. – Neighbors said they hadn’t seen her for a year. We then realized that something must be wrong, the relative tells news. The relative says that before 2018 the family had been in contact with the deceased woman by phone. – But suddenly there was a toll stop, says the relative to news. The family, who were in Sweden in 2019 to look for the woman, were so worried after the visit that they reportedly contacted the Swedish police and reported their concerns. – They asked the police over there to do something because we were so worried, says the woman today. The Swedish public prosecutor in the case, Linda Karlsson, will not comment on news’s ​​information that the Swedish police must have been notified by the family in 2019. The farm of the accused Norwegian is located in Värmland and is deserted. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news – She was a very kind person The relative that news has spoken to says that she grew up with the woman. And that she was funny and imaginative. When news calls the relative, she does not know that it is the missing woman who has been found dead. She quickly understands the connection, because the family has been worried about her for a long time. – She was a very kind person. But she has lived a difficult life, says the relative. The Norwegian woman and her partner moved to Sweden together over ten years ago, and have both been registered at the same address since then. Has given an explanation about the death The Norwegian, who is charged with having killed his partner and kept her in a freezer for several years, admitted today in the prison meeting to having embalmed his partner. But he denied killing the woman. He was detained for 14 days. – There is insufficient evidence that he has committed a murder, it’s that simple, says defender Stefan Liliebäck. The man’s defense attorney Stefan Liliebäck on his way in to see his client. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news According to the defender, the man has given an explanation to both the police and the court as to what lies behind the autopsy. – I cannot comment on that, because I have been imposed a duty of confidentiality by the state attorney, says the defender. Suspect of murder According to Liliebäck, the man must also have explained how the woman died, but cannot comment on this at the present time. According to the defender, the District Court has now not remanded the man in custody for murder. – If the public prosecutor believes that he is still charged with it, they must answer for it themselves, replies Liliebäck. Prosecutor, Linda Karlsson. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news Although the man is not now being remanded in custody for murder, prosecutor Linda Karlsson believes that the suspicion stands – The suspicion still remains, the investigation continues, says Karlsson. The man in his 50s sat next to his defender, Stefan Liliebäck, during the short time the press was allowed to be present during the prison meeting. He was dressed in a green T-shirt and had a white towel over his head, so his face was hidden from those present. Previous criminal conviction According to news, the Norwegian in his 50s has a previous criminal conviction in both Norway and Sweden. According to the newspaper Aftonbladet, it was the man himself who said that the woman was lying dead at his home. When the police entered the remote farm in Värmland, they found the woman in her 60s dismembered and placed in a freezer.
