Rejects Western peace plans – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The Ukrainian military reports that Russia launched a rocket attack on Kyiv and the region around the capital on the night of Tuesday. Several will be injured. – The air defense has been activated in Kyiv. Stay in shelters until the alarm is over, Serhij Popko, head of the military administration in Kyiv, said on Telegram. Bloggers and local authorities in a number of places in Ukraine, including in Kharkiv, Sumy and Poltava, reported on Tuesday morning rockets flying overhead and explosions. Rejects peace plan At a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected any peace plan for Ukraine that is supported by Ukraine and the West. Lavrov claimed that the Ukrainian forces have completely failed on the battlefield and are unable to defeat or weaken Russia. He said that Russia is always ready for peace negotiations, but that the peace plans presented by Ukraine and their Western “masters” only serve to cover up a continuation of the war. – All these formulas are a dead end, and the sooner Washington, London, Brussels and Paris understand it, the better it is for Ukraine and the West, he said. People train for combat for national defense forces near Kyiv. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka / AP Convened US representative Robert Wood called Lavrov’s claims blatant disinformation. He stated that it was Russia that started the war with the invasion of Ukraine, and that it is President Vladimir Putin’s “single-minded attempt to obliterate Ukraine and subjugate its people that is prolonging the war.” – Russia’s imperialist ambitions are obvious, and for Russia the only solution is Ukraine’s complete capitulation, he said and maintained that the war would end tomorrow if Russia withdrew its forces from Ukraine. It was Russia that convened the meeting to criticize Western military support for Ukraine. Just before the meeting, Ukraine’s UN ambassador Sergy Kyslytsyja, backed by 40 other countries, read a statement accusing Russia of hypocrisy by criticizing legal arms transfers to a country to defend itself.
