Refugee from Iran hung out as killer on social media – rumors spread in Namsos – news Trøndelag

– They say I’m a killer, and have been mean to children. Ferdos is a refugee from Iran, but has lived in Namsos since 2009. He thrives in the city, has a permanent job and many friends. Then came the Instagram account that disrupted his life. Photo: Screenshot Stamped on social media Last autumn, a colleague discovered an anonymous post on Instagram. Ferdos shows us the post, which has now been removed. It states, among other things, that Ferdos has killed people in Iran, that he has belonged to a criminal group and that his is dangerous to society. The accusations have disrupted the quiet safe life in Namsos. And the rumors are still circulating. It was Namdalsavisa that first mentioned the case. – Most people in Namsos have seen the photos and text that were published on Instagram, Ferdos believes. In the post, citizens of both Namsos and Steinkjer are warned, and it is alleged that Ferdos has killed several people in his home country Iran. He denies all allegations, and reported the matter to the police as soon as he became aware of the accusations against him last autumn. Namsos police station chief Svenn Ingar Viken says there is no reason to believe the rumors that are being spread about Ferdos. Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news Closed After several months of investigation, the police have closed the case. – We find no information that matches the accusations. That’s what Svenn Ingar Viken, police station chief in Namsos, says. – We have also not been able to track down the person who posted this on Instagram, and therefore the case was dropped on 13 April. He hopes residents will calm down with it, and says there is no reason to fear what is being said about Ferdos. According to Viken, this is not an easy case. The police know of many cases where social media is used as a channel, to make accusations and accusations that someone has committed illegalities. – People have perished Namsos mayor Frode Båtnes is familiar with the case through what has been written in the media. On a general basis, he tells news that there is a great risk in spreading rumors. – Being exposed to rumors can have a devastating consequence. No matter what position you have, it will do something to you, says Båtnes. Frode Båtnes, mayor of Namsos, is in no doubt that spreading rumors can have major consequences. Photo: Espen Sandmo / news He does not think everyone is aware of the great responsibility of spreading rumors. – It’s so fast done today, to post things online. And there are opportunities to post anonymously as well. What rumors can lead to, he does not think most people reflect on. It is a strain to be exposed to rumors, but it can lead to serious consequences as well, he believes. – We have examples of people perishing from rumors – even if they are untrue, says Båtnes. The mayor adds that not everyone has someone to talk to, and encourages people to think twice before spreading rumors. – I do not always think that people understand what they are doing. One thing is rumors, another thing is games that come online fast and fast. It is not very well thought out what it can lead to. Social media is not used very smartly – and this applies to all age groups. Plagued by groups in his home country Wadiar Ferdos has told police everything he knows. He is a Feily Kurd, born in Iraq and raised in Iran. He was in the Iranian military and took part in the war against Saddam Hussein. He later had to flee Iran, and received temporary protection in Norway. Ferdos is active in social media, and believes that there are groups in his home country that react to what he writes. – I have some enemies, of course. Not privately, but there are groups in my home country that react to the opinions I publish on social media. They want to bother me. Do you want to move from Namsos because of this case? – No, I’m safe here. It is important to me.
