Red wants Norway to grant asylum to Russian soldiers – news Troms and Finnmark

Norway canceled the visa agreement with Russia the day after Vladimir Putin announced partial mobilization. However, Russians can still apply for both a visa and asylum in Norway. – The Norwegian authorities must clearly communicate to Russian deserters and conscientious objectors that they can seek a safe haven from Putin’s clutches here, says Rødt leader Bjørnar Moxnes. Bjørnar Moxnes in the Red party wants Norway to contribute to an international court settlement against Putin. Several of the Russian demonstrators against the mobilization have been arrested. And now it is claimed that more are being forcibly recruited. In order to weaken morale and the will to go to war in Ukraine, Rødt believes that Norway must take the lead in offering protection to the soldiers who refuse to go to war. In Russia, you can now be punished for up to 15 years if you refuse to be drafted into the war, according to CNN. Supports stricter visas The FRP is positive about accepting Russians, but believes Norway must be more careful on the Norwegian-Russian border. The party supports the cancellation of the visa agreement with Russia yesterday. – We have to be a little careful here. We don’t quite know who will actually come, and the legitimate need must be in place, says Christian Tybring-Gjedde (Frp) in the foreign affairs and defense committee. One way to solve that is to get a form of security clearance for those who want to enter Norway, he believes. Christian Tybring-Gjedde (Frp) in the foreign affairs and defense committee supports that there should be stricter visa rules. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten Nevertheless, there may be situations where you have to depart from this. – If hundreds or thousands come, it will be difficult to do so. We cannot stop them at the border when they are potentially at risk of being taken back by the Russian authorities. Tybring-Gjedde understands very well that Russian men do not want to go to war in Ukraine. – Of course we want to help those fleeing a war, but there may also be people in between who see themselves benefiting from coming to Norway, and who have completely different intentions than just protecting themselves against mobilization. Høyre’s Ine Eriksen Søreide is head of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, but she is not available for a comment today, news was told by her press contact. In a written response, the Conservative Party states that they “have always believed that Norway should follow the same line as other European countries in matters of sanctions and other measures against Russia”. Will not exclude the Russians The Helsinki Committee is against a situation where Norway closes its borders completely to the Russians. And they believe we must continue to have visa processing for the Russians as well. – It is important that we can still maintain some contact with Russian citizens, says Berit Lindemann, secretary general of the Helsinki Committee. And they especially think of Russians who are against the war and work with human rights. Among other things, researchers and journalists now have difficult circumstances, and we must still be able to grant visas and let them into the country, according to Lindeman. Berit Lindemann, secretary general of the Helsinki Committee, believes it is important that Norway maintains contact with Russian citizens. Photo: news At the same time, Norway alone cannot have open borders to Russians who do not want to participate in the war, Lindemann believes. – It will be a completely unmanageable situation for Norway. Because we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people. news has sent an inquiry to the Norwegian Foreign Minister to comment on the matter, but has not yet received a reply.
