Recycling and tips for big and small Christmas gifts – news Culture and entertainment

The calendar shows November, and many people feel their pulse rise and panic set in when they think about all the Christmas gift purchases that lie ahead. Now that prices have risen and many wallets have been slimmed, is it perhaps time to make new moves? Recycling influencer Ingrid Vik Lysne and Pengesnakk profile Lise Vermelid Kristoffersen have a lot of advice to offer. And see seven Christmas gift tips at the bottom of the article! REFLECTION: Ingrid Vik Lysne says it is time to reflect on the life we ​​live and the gifts we give. Maybe it’s time to change your Christmas gift strategy. Photo: Marius Renner Christensen / news Make your gift list shorter Kristoffersen, who has the Pengesnakk podcast and is the author of the book of the same name, believes you should think about Christmas gifts already now. – Plan and be out in good time. Discuss with friends whether to give gifts or not. And she believes it is important to limit the number of gifts – that will make both the experience and the gifts better. – The key is to make the gift list a little shorter. Not only to reduce consumption, but to be able to spend more time on those that are left. So that you don’t rush out and buy 14 presents on Christmas Eve. There will be expensive and ill-thought-out gifts. GIFT ENTHUSIAST: Lise Vermelid Kristoffersen happily gives advice. She believes we should shrink the gift list to maximize the feeling of giving. Photo: André Børke / news Don’t buy twice as much The shopping festival and discount bonanza Black Friday takes over the kingdom this year on 25 November. The money advisor says that you should happily buy Christmas presents on this day – but then it is important that you don’t think “if I got that gift so cheap, I have to buy more”. – Then you only contribute to increasing the pressure to give gifts and the expectations of how expensive gifts should be given to each other. The recipient does not know what the gift cost. She also advises people to buy used. And if you’re not sure if the other person will appreciate it, take the initiative wisely. PLAY: Scissors and a sewing kit are welcome to have when making gifts yourself. Ingrid Vik Lysne is bubbling over with the joy of recycling. Photo: Marius Renner Christensen / news – Tell yourself that you want second-hand gifts for yourself or the children. It’s a good way to find out if the other person is open to it. Looking for a scoop. Lysne says it’s much easier to buy used if you know exactly what you’re looking for. ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN Used – from shame to success Recycling influencer Ingrid Vik Lysne believes that in these times it is more relevant than ever to give used gifts. And she encourages everyone to embrace the used trend. – Giving something used can go from being something you are ashamed of to becoming your very best gifts! CREATIVE: Maybe you can find some gifts to give in your own bookshelves? And why not try to write a song for someone you love. Photo: Marius Renner Christensen / news She herself has hit the mark with it at home, her better half has both received and appreciated used gifts. – I bought used skates for my girlfriend last year at Finn, and it was a success. As long as you have the right shoe size, you just have to go for it. Then search on Finn or other websites, and give the thing used, says Lysne. Lysne also believes that it is much easier to buy used if you know exactly what you are looking for. – Ask what the person wants, the more specific, the better. Then search on Finn or other websites, and give the item used. SEWING: Ingrid Vik Lysne is the sewing machine’s best friend. And she believes reuse is gold, both for us humans and for the planet. Photo: Marius Renner Christensen / news And you don’t even have to go further than your own shelves and dresser drawers. Lysne has spread happiness and excitement by giving away things she has also used herself. – I once gave away some Ray Ban sunglasses to a friend. I knew they would dress her, and it was a successful gift in every way. She was very happy and I didn’t spend a penny. FABRIC: Curtains, cushions, or other fabric can be used to sew and make new creations. Then you can get real recycling magic. Photo: Marius Renner Christensen / news – Absolutely insane overspending But for Vik Lysne, giving used gifts is not just about saving money. We can give a gift to the pod, and at the same time strike a blow for the planet. – We live in a society with absolutely insane overconsumption. Many have very, very much, and gifts are becoming more and more abundant. If we can give things that already exist, it is so much better for the climate and the environment. So what is the gift she is most proud of? There must have been a time when she gave new life to a dear, old thing. – My grandmother had a small, embroidered tablecloth. I sewed a criss-cross bow from it for my grandfather. The cloth came back in a new form. It was a heartwarming gift. Forget the 7 types of cake, here are 7 Christmas gift ideas! Give something homemade. Write a song, knit a headband or make homemade granola. Then you give a small part of your heart at the same time. Give away a favor. The joy will be great if you offer to paint, come to cook or change a tire. But remember to carry out the services! Give away an experience. And it can be completely free! Ask to go on a ski trip, provide hot cocoa and home-baked pastries. Give something you have yourself! “Regifting” (passing on gifts) is very popular. For example, give a book where you write a nice greeting and mark some favorite sections, to show extra care. Use second-hand apps! If you know which brand of clothing your friends like best and use the most, enter it in Find or recycling apps like Tise. Then you can more easily afford those brands and can make a bargain. Give new life to old things. Maybe there is a little creator in you? Bring on the sewing machine and the creativity! Give something personal. Show that you thought of this person when the gift was bought or made. Have you seen someone missing something? Nothing beats things that gain affection value. As Alf Prøysen wrote: She will surely want that, then she will surely be happy, and that it is a useful thing no one can deny!
