Record-warm October worries climate scientists – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Of course it gives cause for concern, says climate scientist at Cicero, Glen Peters. On Friday morning, 30.3 degrees were measured in San Sebastian. And the temperature was measured at 08.30 in the morning, before the sun had set. It is abnormally hot for this time of year in Spain, and even more unusual for San Sebastian. The city is located on the coast, north-west of Spain. Here, there should normally be an Atlantic climate and not a Mediterranean climate. The average maximum temperature for October is 18.9 degrees. Even in the hottest month – August – it is no more than 22.9 degrees on average. While San Sebastian stands out, most of Spain has had a record warm autumn. Last Thursday, it was 34.5 degrees in Moron de la Frontera, in the south of the country. – The month is not over yet, but we can already say that it is the warmest October since measurements began in 1961, says Ruben del Campo from the Spanish weather forecaster Aemet to AFP. Record in Oslo Jostein Mamen at the Meteorological Institute Photo: Knut Fjeldstad / NTB scanpix Spain is far from alone in having a warm October. On 29 October, 14.2 degrees were measured at the meteorological institute’s measuring station at Blindern. It is the warmest that has ever been measured on this date, writes climate researcher Jostein Mamen. The previous record for 29 October was 13.9 degrees, measured in 2014. However, a higher temperature has been measured later in the year four times before: 14.4 degrees 01.11.1983, 14.9 degrees 02.11.2020, 15 ,1 degrees 19/11/2021 and 16.1 degrees 06/11/2020. Three of the four measurements are in the 2020s. The average temperature for this year’s October is 8.0 degrees at Blindern. It is the third year in a row that Blindern has had an average temperature of over 8 degrees. This is shown by figures from the Meteorological Institute. Before the last three years, you have to go back to 2006 to find an average temperature of over 8 degrees. Summer is not over in San Sebastian, Spain. Last Thursday, the sand volleyball players were still in action on the beach. Photo: Reuters New word for the season The warm October weather has meant that Spaniards have come up with a new word to describe what they are experiencing. “Verono” is a combination of the words for summer (verano) and autumn (otono). Spain is among the countries in Europe most affected by climate change. The Spanish cities of Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Zaragoza are all among the ten cities in Europe that are most affected, writes RTVE. In the southern French town of Collioure, people swam on 26 October, over a month after the swimming season normally ends. Photo: RAYMOND ROIG / AFP Large parts of Europe Norway and Spain are just some of the countries that have had a warm autumn. In Sweden, 19.5 degrees were measured last Friday in Kristianstad, in the south of the country. – It is the warmest that has ever been measured in Sweden this late in the year, says Erik Höjgard-Olsen at SMHI to AFP. Brussels had 24 degrees before the weekend, 10 degrees above normal. In the UK it was at least 20 degrees in more than 25 places last Thursday. In south-west France, the temperature approached 30 degrees and on the Riviera the bathing season has been extended. – This is a summer that never ends, says Rene Colomban, who heads the association for beach vendors in Nice, France. – We stay open as long as the weather permits. Temperature in the world since 1880 compared to the average in the period 1991-2020 +0.5°C compared to normal? Click for explanation normal temperature18801900192019401960198020002020 Go to news’s ​​Climate Status Why are most years blue and colder than normal? This is because all years are now compared to a new normal, that is, the average of weather in the 30-year period 1991-2020. These 30 years have been unusually warm. Most other years are therefore colder than normal. Until recently, researchers used a normal period that ran from 1961-1990. In these years it was relatively cold. It’s been quite a while since the 1960s and the new normal allows us to compare the weather with the climate (normal) that people actually experience today. The normal period is determined by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and is used in all countries . In this way, we can compare the weather in Norway with other countries and we can measure changes across the globe. How can you calculate one temperature for the whole world? This number is the result of a complicated calculation. Measurements are made with thermometers both on land and on the sea surface (at sea the thermometers are attached to buoys). In some places the thermometers are close together, in other places there is a long distance between them. Using a statistical method, the researchers are able to give the measurements different weights, so that all areas are equally important: The data used in this graph comes from the American NOAA. They have divided the globe into squares of 5° x 5° and calculate one temperature for each square. Then they can again work their way up to a global figure, for each month or for each year. They can also make figures for the temperature only over the ocean or only over land, or for the northern and southern hemispheres. The lines at the poles are smaller than along the equator due to the curvature of the globe. The researchers also take this into account in their calculations. Others, such as NASA or the Hadley Centre, calculate in slightly different ways than NOAA. Therefore, there are often small differences between the various data sets. In any case, the trend they show is the same: since 1880, the world has become warmer. – Hard to believe – It is hard to believe that we are at the end of October when large parts of Europe (and North Africa) are experiencing unusually warm weather, writes the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Twitter. Climate scientist Glen Peters is not surprised by the abnormally warm autumn. – It seems like a continuation of a trend where you see the extreme results first, he says. Frederic Nathan of the French weather forecasting service Meteo France says that 2022 is already the warmest year on record. – Every year you see dozens of heat records and almost no cold records. It is a typical sign of climate change, says Nathan to Reuters.
